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OpenStudy (anonymous):
add 5 double the result.subtract 10 divide by 2 subtract from the original number the first number is 1
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OpenStudy (shadowfiend):
So walk through this step by step, but start with the first number. The first number is 1. Then you add 5, so you have 1 + 5. Then you double the result, so you have (1 + 5) * 2. Then you subtract 10, so you have (1 + 5) * 2 - 10. Then you divide by 2, so you have ((1 + 5) * 2 - 10) / 2. Then you subtract from the original number, which we know is 1. That gives you 1 - ((1 + 5) * 2 - 10) / 2.
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