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Mathematics 24 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

how would i simplify 55% in two a fraction

OpenStudy (anonymous):

in its simplest form

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

So first off, what is it in its non-simplified form?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

55 over a 100

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Exactly. Do you see something that you can divide evenly into both 55 and 100?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Right. What is 55 / 5, and what is 100 / 5?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

11 and 20

OpenStudy (anonymous):

11 over 20

OpenStudy (anonymous):

what would be the simplest form of 11 over 20

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

That is the simplest form, unless you can find something that divides evenly into both 11 and 20.

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

(You won't, because 11 is prime, which means that nothing divides evenly into it except for 1 and 11, and 11 does not divide evenly into 20)

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

what about 75% as a fraction in simplest form

OpenStudy (anonymous):

75 over 100

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Right. So what divides evenly into those two?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Ok, so divide those two by 5 and see what you get.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

15 over 20

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Right. Is there something that divides evenly into those two?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

so it would be 3 over 4

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Exactly :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

okay um what about i 140%

OpenStudy (anonymous):

sorry did not mean to put i in there

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so it would be 1 and 40 over 100 right

OpenStudy (anonymous):

and 10 can go into 40 and 100 so i would divide it by that right

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so it would be 4 over 10 then i would add the 1 then i would be 1 and 4 over 10

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Right. That's in mixed number form. If you want an improper fraction, then 1 is the same as 10/10, so it would be 14/10.

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

so 175% would be 1 and 75 over 100 and divide that bye 5 which would equal to 1 and 3 over 4 right

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Right on :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

okay i think i got a hang of it thank you very much:)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

well gtg bye

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Cool. Good to hear :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

umm sorry but what about 24%

OpenStudy (anonymous):

it would equal to 24 over 100 divided by 2

OpenStudy (anonymous):

by 4

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

okay good

OpenStudy (anonymous):

6 over 25 is that simplified

OpenStudy (anonymous):

never mind

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

It looks like it.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

what would dived by to equal 92

OpenStudy (anonymous):

what would i divide by to get 92

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Um. What do you mean? 92 / 100?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yes sorry

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

No problem :) 2 seems like a good fit. Remember all even numbers are divisible by 2.

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

so it would be 42 right

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

92/2 is 46. So you have 46 / 50. Can you divide that again?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

by 2

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Right. So divide it by 2 again.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so it would be 23 over 25

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Exactly :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

what does 2 divided by 100 equal

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

You can divide both by 2 again, right?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

well i have 9 over50 would that be right

OpenStudy (anonymous):

divide it by 2 again

OpenStudy (anonymous):

which would equal 4 over 25 right

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Wait, 9 over 50?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

oh that is the right answer okay

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

9 is not evenly divisible by 2, only by 3.

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Right :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

shadow u saw my new question

OpenStudy (anonymous):

37 over 100 which would equal 37 over 50 right

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Hm. What did you divide by to get that?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

wait hold on

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

You divided 100 by 2, but not 37.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

umm it would be 74 / 2 equals 2 right

OpenStudy (anonymous):

sorry i meant to say 74 over 100 sorry

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so it would equal 37 over 50 right

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Ok, yeah, in that case that's right.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

okay good

OpenStudy (anonymous):

what would i multiply by if it was 43 over 100

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Nothing. That's already as simple as it can get.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so that is simplified as a percent into a fraction

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

okay good

OpenStudy (anonymous):

how would i write a fraction as a percent like 4 over 5 what would that be as a percent

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

So the trick here is that you want 5 to turn into 100. What do you have to multiply 5 by to get 100?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

So the trick here is that you want 5 to turn into 100. What do you have to multiply 5 by to get 100?

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Whoops, sorry.

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Right, so multiply the top and bottom by 5 and you get?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

20 over 100

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

So you have 4/5. If you multiply 4 by 20 you get 20?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

80 over 100

OpenStudy (anonymous):

3 over 20 what would i multiply that by?

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

What do you need to multiply 20 by to get 100?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so i would multiply that by 5

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Right, top and bottom.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

okay i got 15 over 100

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Right :)

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