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Mathematics 24 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

Calculus is concerned with the relative changes of quantities in situations. Choose two of the following systems. For each of those, describe a variety of changing quantities in the system and how those changes relate to each other. (12)  A boreal forest ecosystem.  The international banking system.  A hydroelectic dam.  Salmon stocks in the ocean.  Setllar and galactic movement.  Voting patterns in recent elections.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

This is a fantastic question!

OpenStudy (anonymous):

So you go and study two of the following things, pick several parameters in the system and analyze them for what effects them and maybe even what they affect. If you can even take it further, theorize or describe how they affect each other.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yup i can figure the answer by sayin in hydro electric dam quatities are amount of water and potential energy etc would effects the production of electricity but cant figure out how to explain in depth

OpenStudy (anonymous):

At the very basic level you could say for example, aspect A is directly proportional to aspect B, the more of A there is the more of B and vice-versa. Then some will be inversely-proportional, some will have quadratic or cubic relationships.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I see. Well, wikipedia is a good source. How many Kilogallons of water passing through point A are needed to generate 1 Kilowatt of power for example.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Post whatever thoughts you have with their sources and we can check to see if your reasoning is along the correct lines.

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