PS 3, problem 2 question: What should be returned if key string is empty?
The issue I'm mainly having is with problem 3, as it depends on the results of my work for problem 2. Looking at problem 3, it seems like problem 2 would need to return a tuple of all the indexes in the target string, but that seems really wrong, intuitively.
Ah well, I just modified my function from problem 2 and included it in problem 3's .py file.
PS 3 problem 4. gave me some problems...I ended up scrapping my entire preliminary work and redid the whole prob. set. I'm still not happy with my code though and will rework it after PS4. Keep it up Keen!
It doesn't have to return anything. You can either use an 'if' statement to return None or something from the ps3.2 function, or you could structure the code that feeds that function to recognize empty keystrings and not pass them in.
For the subStringMatchOneSub function that's included in to work properly, subStringMatchExact(target, "") needs to return range( len(target) ), where 'target' is a string of some sort. If it returns None or an empty tuple, then subStringMatchOneSub doesn't work. It'll crash with a TypeError if subStringMatchExact(target, "") returns None, actually. Also, if you run subStringMatchOneSub with the key being a 2 character string, it will find nothing if subStringMatchExact(target,"") returns an empty tuple.
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