I have a complete beginner question. Sorry. How do I launch Idle?
Idle is the one present in labs at MIT ....for doing python programming..you have to install python..and the instructions were given at the MIT website if i am correct
http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-00-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-fall-2008/assignments/getting_started.pdf Yes you are absolutely right. However in this document if I did not misread it, It says that all i have to do to run IDLE is type in idle in the command prompt line and it would run. However it gives me an error everytime I try
yeah...Is yours a linux machine??
No but It does not offer any directions for launching IDLe on a non linux machine
If your machine is not linux then you cant run python by typing "idle" in the command bar....for the other machines the instrucions are given for the setups
I'm sorry but I don't see where the instructions for launching idle on windows are on that handout.
instructions were not given for windows but there was a link given highlighted and underlined("windows Installer") if u click that u will get setup file
Oh I have python already installed. I am just having trouble launching IDLE
i think this link may solve your question... http://docs.python.org/faq/windows.html#how-do-i-run-a-python-program-under-windows ...
Thank you =]
I had the exact same problem. I was looking for idle in the python folder (and tried from the command prompt). My friend showed me how I had to access it through the file path in windows. silly computers.
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