howdo you evaluate the expression if the number inthe square root has an exponent?
divide that exponent by 2 and you are all set
\[\sqrt{x^{16}}= x^8\]
thanks (:
what if it has an exponent 3 befor the equation? haha sorry i dont know the right words
\[\sqrt{x^3}\] like this?
no.its right beforethe squareroot
yes (:
Then it is as simplified as it can be.
so i just leave it like that?
Yes, Unless your problem specifically ask for something else
thankyou somuch! (:
You're welcome
okay.onemorequestion. the equation says ^3squareroot(n^75). so does the 3 meani just leave it alone or divide by 2?
Try using the "Equation" button under the box where you are typing. However, if I understood correctly, you have: \[\sqrt[3]{n^{75}}\]
ooh gosh, i feel dumb now. haha im new to this placde... but yeah..and thanks
If it is a cube root \[\sqrt[3]{n^{75}}\] you would divide the exponent by 3 n^(75/3)
For future reference a square root is the same as raising to the (1/2) power A cubed root is raising to the (1/3) power, etc.
thankyou guys so much! (:
For instance: \[9^{0.5}=\sqrt9=3\]
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