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Writing 62 Online
OpenStudy (smurfy14):

How can I take out the "was" in this sentence?

OpenStudy (smurfy14):

Another fact that Miller accurately tells in his play is that Elizabeth was indeed pregnant which is what saves her from being hung.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Elizabeth's pregnancy saves her from being hung. ----- you should really wait for someone else to comment, i suck at

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Another fact that that miller accurately tells in is play is that Elizabeth happened to be pregnant at the time, which is what saves her from being hung.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

both are good answers.

OpenStudy (a_clan):

Another fact that miller accurately brings out in his play is about Liz's pregnancy, which saved her from being hanged.

OpenStudy (matthewrlee):

Use the backspace key. Sometimes I forget about the backspace key too.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

You'll want to change "saves" to "saved" since you are talking past tense. Using paulzord's sentence, " that Elizabeth *happened* (past tense) to be pregnant at the time, which is what *saved* (also past tense) her from being hung (again, past tense)." I used to mix tense all the time and it's now been beaten into my head so much...

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