why is the electronic configuration of K and Ca is in different way?
Did you mean to ask, "how does the electronic configuration of K differ from Ca?" K has one valence shell electron and Ca has two.
no as the no of electron in K L M N are 2,8,18,32 why K and Cl have such configuration?
K and Ca, or K and Cl? Ca and Cl are very different. Cl has one less electron than Ar, so it accepts and electron to have a full valence shell. K has one more electron than Ar, so it donates and electron instead.
http://www.webqc.org/periodictable.php electronic(valance) configuration can be explained better with spdf arrangement rather than klmn K@pottassium has potassium has 1 electron in the outer most S shell while Ca @ calcium has 2 in outer S shell........ loosing 1 electron of outer shell makes K, K+, then further removing of electrons need to be removed from the penultimate completed P shell, which needs a lot of energy if possible. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium In the case of calcium 2 electrons can be removed to produce Ca2+ ...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_ions
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