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Biology 69 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

For and against evidence for biological evolution and the creation theory?

OpenStudy (agreene):

There isn't really any evidence for or against the creation postulate (it's not a theory, or even a hypothesis, scientifically). The current definition of evolution has countless examples, since it simply states that allele frequency varies within individuals in populations. Or, more simply that DNA carries genetic information and that it is combined between parents during sexual reproduction and that causes not every person to be identical. Generally, creation supporters don't have a problem with evolutionary theory (in it's current state). They take issue with speciation, which really is just splitting hairs. How do you tell when one thing becomes another? It's historically been semantics, Tigers arent Lions because they dont mate... but they CAN mate, so why did they start dividing that way? Now days, everything is genetic sequencing, and at that end... how much difference is just changes within a population and how much defines a new species? We share nearly 98% of our DNA codons with chimpanzees, is that enough or are we the same species? or is that enough and we arent?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

My evidence is mostly found from finds of Charles Darwin :s

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Poorly worded, never the less you know what I mean :)

OpenStudy (agreene):

Yes, well. There are much better evidences of specieation than what darwin found, now days. But again, this gets back to a question of Taxonomy, not evolution (in the current scientific definition)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Haha, should be a good assignment.. We were given the statement - "Evidence exists to support both a long and short term time frame for the Earth's age." Critically evaluate the validity of this statement by discussing supporting evidence from both the supplied literature and other sources. So.. for and against both creation and evolution. :s

OpenStudy (agreene):

You could always argue the definition of evidence and, depending on how you feel about it, skew to the direction of your choice, lol. What is this for anyway?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

My final biology assessment :)

OpenStudy (agreene):

Also, you might find useful. There are more scientific versions of the information out there, if you aren't allowed to use wikipedia, but It is useful.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Alright, thanks alot friend :) You've been alot help ^.^

OpenStudy (agreene):


OpenStudy (trancenova):

Just reading over your assignment question there :) Always the best idea to start with the "supplied literature" and see what they reference, have a look at the main arguments and things in the papers you have been given and maybe use those ideas and keywords for your research and paper :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Yeah, the silly thing is.. We only have access to the papers during a 70 minute class which I try to make full use of and about 1 hour of lunch times :(

OpenStudy (trancenova):

Hmmm I see :/ that's annoying! Well guess you'll have to get as much from them as you can as fast as you can.

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