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OpenStudy Feedback 66 Online
OpenStudy (graysongordon):

@shadowfiend OpenStudy newbie, Is there some general documentation available? What are levels, achievements and medals? How can I make a member of my group a moderator? @shadowfiend OpenStudy newbie, Is there some general documentation available? What are levels, achievements and medals? How can I make a member of my group a moderator? @OpenStudy Feedbac…

OpenStudy (aravindg):

How can I make a member of my group a moderator?

OpenStudy (aravindg):

i hav the same question

OpenStudy (mattfeury):

Sorry there's not much documentation available since we're so rapidly changing things. Achievements are pretty much gone in this latest release, although they may appear again at some point in the future. Their purpose was to reward people for using different features of the site. Medals are given by the "good answer" button. They are to reward good helpers. Your level is based on number of achievements and medals, so essentially just medals. You currently cannot assign moderators manually. This is something we'll consider though as we move forward.

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Yes, there are three kinds of moderators: - the creator of a group is always a moderator in that group - the highest ranked member of a group is a moderator - there are a small set of global moderators and admins, including the OpenStudy team, who are moderators in all groups and also have some extra privileges (deleting posts, suspending users, etc) Currently, a group moderator can only kick members from a given group. We are heavily considering letting group moderators remove a group tag when a question is irrelevant, as well.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

@shadowfiend You say the creator of a group is always a moderator in that group, why is it that the I'm not for the group I have created?

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

Which group is that?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Emotions and Life Help

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I created that group a couple months ago

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I have the ability to erase other comments or questions but it seems as though everyone in the group does too. But to me that doesn't make sense why that group is like that? Cause when I go to another group for example called "Wolf" I can't do that.

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