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Mathematics 50 Online
OpenStudy (mathmagician):

There are 14, 539 competitors taking part in a single-elimination chess tournament. How many games need to be played to find the winner? (In the case of a stalemate or a draw, the winner is decided by the toss of a coin.)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Can you please explain to me what single elimination is?

OpenStudy (mathmagician):

the one, who wins the game, stays in the tournament and the one who loses is eliminated

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Okay. So it'll be like played in rounds?

OpenStudy (mathmagician):

yes, and the winner of tournament must in all games with no losses

OpenStudy (anonymous):

And we're assuming the match list,as in who plays against whom is decided?

OpenStudy (mathmagician):


OpenStudy (mathmagician):

so, still no answer? :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Thinking. Getting 14538. Something's wrong there. I think.

OpenStudy (mathmagician):

your answer is good. Since there is only one winner of tournament, 14538 players must be eliminated.And this requires 14538 games to be played :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Yes. It's correct? Haha. Good question. :) Confused me for a bit there.

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