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Mathematics 59 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

If we toss a coin 100 times, then we expect that Heads will appear 50 times true or false

OpenStudy (anonymous):

It can actually be both true and false..Would you like an explanation?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yeah. please

OpenStudy (anonymous):

It can be true because tails has been proven to have more of a "magnetic charge" on it(it's along story, but I did it in my class last year and it was proven on some scientist website). So, heads would appear MORE than 50 times due to this magnet on the tails side. It can be false, because it actually depends more on how old the coin is. If it is and older coin, this charge will be "erased", but if it's a newer coin (within two years of the current year) it'll have a stronger pull towards the ground, which is believed to be in the direction of the core of the earth, which has a "magnetic field" and it would show heads if it were a newer coin, but tails if it's an older coin.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

ok thanks

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Yep. No prob.

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