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Chemistry 22 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

Which of the following would cause an increase in the pressure inside a sealed container of gas? (2 points) • an increase in the size of the container • removal of half of the gas • a leak in the container • an increase in temperature

OpenStudy (anonymous):

wait this is an incresase in temperature.

OpenStudy (xishem):

Let's take these one a time to see if we can't find the answer using elimination. Give me a description of what you think happens when you have a certain amount of gas in a container, and you double the size of the container?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

there's not as much pressure when you do that.

OpenStudy (xishem):

Yes, it is temperature. Do you know why?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yes because temperature causes gas to expand?

OpenStudy (xishem):

Well, yes, but why does it cause it to expand?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (xishem):

The molecules themselves don't expand. What happens is... well imagine that you have a number of molecules in a container. When you increase the temperature, you are increasing their average kinetic energy, and therefore increasing their average speed. If the molecules have greater speed, they are going to strike the boundaries of the container more often because they can travel the same distance in a smaller amount of time. More collisions means that the pressure will increase. Make sense?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yes(:thank you so much for all your help! my teacher doesnt really teeach me if you can't tell.. haha

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