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Chemistry 29 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

Explain how the addition of a solute affects the boiling point of a solvent.

OpenStudy (xishem):

It will raise the boiling point of the solution. Imagine you have a solution of pure water. As you heat it, it will begin to boil and eventually all boil away. This boiling begins once the vapor pressure of the solution equals the atmospheric pressure. However, if you introduce a solute A (assuming it is non-volatile) into the water, making water a solvent, then the molecules of A will begin to interact with the water molecules, both blocking their path out of the container and by way of electrostatic interactions. Both of these will lower the vapor pressure of the solution, and thus it will have to increase a greater amount to become equal with the atmospheric pressure. Thus more energy needs to be put in, thus the temperature at which the solution boils will be greater than that of just the pure solvent.

OpenStudy (anonymous):


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