Suppose there are 10 different pairs of socks in a drawer. In other words, there are 20 singleton socks in total in the drawer. I randomly pick 2 socks out from the drawer. What is the probability that the 2 socks that I picked out is a matching pair? My answer to this question is 1/2. But I am not sure if what I have done is correct because 1/2 seems quite unbelievable.
after picking out the first sock there are nine different pairs of socks and one which matches the first sock so i would think the chance of picking a matching one is 1 /19 ???? does that make sense?
i'm assuming that every pair of socks is different
There are 20 socks in there, all of which are equally likely. How could it be only 1/19?
yes - but don.t you want a matching pair?
and aren't the pairs all different suppose we denote each pair by a number: 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 00 suppose the first sock we pick is 4 we are now left with 11 22 33 4 55 66 77 88 99 00 - we have to pick out the 4 to get a match and probability of picking this is 1/19
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