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Biology 34 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

In a non-allergic individual what does the body or immune system do with pollen in the blood? Do we all have an immune reaction to pollens and other allergens but it is just more in control vs an allergic individual?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Let me explain some fundamentals of allergy. If fetus is exposed to certain things as let's say peanuts through the mother then the baby will not develop antibodies that will react to it as a pathogen after childbirth. Let's say a mother attempts to keep herself clinically clean and very very restrictive with her nurshiment, the baby will later on exhibit allergic reaction to almost everything. There is also overexposer allergy which can be triggered in anybody which had nothing to do with the auctal childbirth. This type of allergic reaction can vary between individuals. Usually theres a sufficiant tolerance toward let's say pollen so there should be no immunological reaction. Also i don't believe pollen gets absorbed into the bloodstream, that would really suprise me in matter of fact. If the pollen goes down through esophagus, it is most likely broken down by HCL in the stomach. And our Trachea has many small hair like structures called cilias which continiously move foreign and nonrespiratory associated particles away from the lungs, in a single way direction. Where you either cough them out or swallow and they'd get digested in the stomach.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

@ exuras i m not agree with your logic of allergy. It is geneticaly dependent than just environt where we grow.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

allergy is considered as simply overwhelming response given to any antigen or allegene. it may be any thing such as pollen , wheat grain, termite bite normaly immunological reaction against pollen is mild, may be because body recognize it as safe. the respose is innate type, nonspecific. but in some indiviual body react with it as very important threat result in damaging body. pollen will not able to enter blood, it will be on mucoso of nose.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

In that case i would have to ask you to disregard anything i've said, i guess that what i get when i had a Neonatal Paediatrician as a lector in the subject.

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