supaman What number is 15% of 108? Let x = base number Equation: x= 0.15*108 Variable: x Constant: 16.2 Coefficient: 1 how is coefficient 1?
bcuz there is only 1 x? i m sorry... i didn't quite get ur question
my teacher wants to lable everything and i got the coefficient wrong, so those are his anwers above and im trying to figure out what it is?
5) The number (constant) connected to a variable or product of variables by means of multiplication (or division) is called the COEFFICIENT. from : In this case, there is only 1 of x (variable) , so the coefficient is 1.
Let x = percentage Equation: 54x = 16 Variable: x Constant: 16 Coefficient: 54
he said theres 54 on this one?
yup, bcuz x is the variable, and in the equation u have to multiply x and 54 together ( 54 is in front of x) so 54 is the coefficient... i hope i made sense :/
2) 15 is what percent of 3? 15/3=5 OR 500% then what are the lables to this? i dont understand this..>.<
i m sorry :( i m not sure about this :/ ask bout this on chat?
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