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English 66 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

What are two examples of logical appeal that I could use in my paper about the legalization of gay marriage?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I was thinking and had thought of love is indiscriminate and how it is a personal matter...But I'm not exactly sure if that would be best to put down as logical appeals.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Logical appeal meaning something that appears normal to others? I guess you can say that humans have rights and that is a right to marry whoever they want without people telling them its wrong.. it is a personal matter and people should understand that. Sorry this is the only thing i could think of, but i dont consider gay marriage a normal thing because its just not the way god intended human beings to live. I believe that a perfect marriage is a husband and a wife, happily married. But of course now that we have frights, people try to change that. I personally dont support gay marriage because i think its wrong. No offense to anyone out there who is gay and reading this.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

rights* not frights lol

OpenStudy (ghazi):

Gay marriage could be legal on the basis of right to equality and right to choose but if you talk about ethics then i dont think ethically its a good idea and morally also i know personal view is not intended here but i dont recommend, neither do i support because scientifically harms of it , is proven too

OpenStudy (anonymous):

First off, when dealing with an issue that is secular in nature, gods, ghosts and demons have no place in any argument. Such is the case regarding gay marriage. The abrahamic religions hold neither patents nor copyrights on marriage. That said, marriage is an incorporation of 2 people into a single legal entity. This corporation is granted special rights across a broad range of legal and social issues from tax breaks to familial visitation to rights of inheritance. Denying gays the right to marry deprives them of these rights. The main argument against gay marriage seems to be that it's "icky" on some level to the antagonist, and this "icky" argument is supported with absurd pseudo-scientific claims proving "harm" or religious claims that "my god doesn't like that so you shouldn't be allowed to do it". But in days past, mentally deficient couples and interracial couples were also denied these rights due to the same "icky" arguments. If I wanted to marry a black woman or a japanese woman or a communist woman or a midget woman or a feebleminded woman or a morbidly obese woman or an ugly woman, what the hell right does anyone else have to complain about it or prohibit me from doing so? Of the examples I just gave, I might consider the first 3 as possible mates if the situation presented itself, but the remainder are just as "icky" to me as the thought of my marrying a man. But I would not be so arrogant as to presume that nobody else should be allowed to do what I wouldn't do. What hubris!!

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Thank you all for answering I appreciate it very much.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

ghost are not real just demons my aunt. she saw a ghost but she told told my grandpa .He went to her house and saw them them and he cast them out with the holy spirit and they never came back since then/thanks by the way for sharing your thoughts LonelyandForgotten it nice.

OpenStudy (dean.shyy):

1) That gay marriage deviates from a natural reproduction and a natural life cycle 2) That gay marriage is against religious beliefs

OpenStudy (anonymous):

She asked for "logical appeal", not "religious proselytizing".

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