Why is sugar sticky?
In dry conditions its not sticky but in wet condition its sticky due to hydrogen bonding between sugar and water!!!
Can you draw a picture of a finger stuck to sugar stuck to my other finger at the molecular level to show what you're talking about, it seems to vague. Is there some kind of electron withdrawing affect from the oxygen of water?
yaaa Oxygen being more electronegative try to pull the loosely bound hydrogen atoms of the sugar and Oxygen of sugar may also attract the proton of water resulting in hydrogen bonding which brings sticky nature !!! i try to sketch that figure
u can find that hydrogen bonding here
The O-H bonds in the sugar composition. For more details, you can listen to the audio on this page: http://www.basf.com/group/corporate/en_GB/function/static:/player/swf/podcast/podcast_player.swf?soundsource=http://corporate.basf.com/en/presse/podcast/channel2/58_BASF_Podcast_Reporter_en.mp3&defaultText=Press%20PLAY%20to%20start%20podcast&durationLabel=Duration&sizeLabel=Size&loadLabel=Loading Remember that sugar sticky composition is similar to the basis of how glue is also sticky in composition.
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