Got bored so here... Life is never easy. You have your ups and downs. Soon this will be a memory. Just think if this wouldn’t happen right now your future would be way different than what is it going to be. You do things for a reason. You have people who care about you and that will always be there for you. Friend, Boyfriend, and Girlfriend all end. Just remember Family ends in ily. And that means I love you. You ay fight with your family but just remember they will always be there for you when you need them. And there are always friends that are like you sisters or brother and they will al
always be there for you even if you fight. We all mess up in our life’s that’s what makes us who we are. I realize that life is not a joke. If you see what happens all over the world I think you would be scared knowing that it could happen to you at any time in your life. You could walk out of your house and get jump shot anything and you may not know that it is going to happen. People are going to hurt you and people are going to make you smile, cry, laugh, mad, and whatever else they can do to you. Just stick through the rough times and keep you head up life has its bumps down the road but someone always fixes the bumps so someone will help you along the road. You loss things and gain things but that’s life. Life is not fair and it’s most likely not going to be most of the time. Just try your best and do what you can. I guess I am trying to say I am not going through a great time right now and I know life is not going to be easy.
this is so cute! :)
Awesome! :)
really beautiful. :)
nice! xD |dw:1363548487709:dw|
welcome. :)
We couldn't experience joy, if there wasn't any pain. We couldn't appreciate the sun, without an occasional rain. How could we claim the victory if no battle had been fought? But the battle is not ours, that is what we've been taught. We would have never known patience if we were never tried. Could have filled an ocean with the tears we cried Would we recognize peace if the waters had not been wavy? With all that we've been through felt like we were going crazy! No, we're not crazy, it's just a part of life. We all have to deal with some stress and strife…
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