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History 64 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

Andrew Jackson claimed there was a "corrupt bargain" made that allowed Adams to win. What 'bargain" did Jackson claim Adams made in order to become President?

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OpenStudy (anonymous):

yahoo answers Henry Clay finished fourth in the electoral college voting for President in the 1824 election. However, no candidate won a majority of electoral votes, so the election was thrown into the House of Representatives. Because he finished fourth, he was not eligible to participate in the "tiebreaker" in the House of Representatives (only the top three votegetters were eligible). Some say that Henry Clay urged his supporters in the House to vote not for Jackson (the top votegetter) but for Adams (who finished second). As it were, Adams won the runoff in the House and became President. To fuel the "corrupt bargain" accusations, Adams promptly named Henry Clay to be his Secretary of State - a job which, at the time was considered the best stepping stone to the White House. The evidence is unclear whether Clay actively campaigned against Jackson. But Jackson's followers believed he did and accused him of it, and the accusation stuck. medal if you can please

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