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Mathematics 56 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

The figure below shows a triangle with vertices A and B on a circle and vertex C outside it. Side AC is tangent to the circle. Side BC is a secant intersecting the circle at point X. What is the measure of angle ACB?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Can someone please help me.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

@ryan123345 can you help me please?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

@Mertsj this is the question I'm having trouble with. You think you could help

OpenStudy (mertsj):

What is the measure of arc AX?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I don't know how to find the measure of the arc?

OpenStudy (mertsj):

Do you know that angle B is an inscribed and its arc is arc AX?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Yeah I know that

OpenStudy (mertsj):

And do you know that inscribed angles are half their arcs?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

No what do you mean by that?

OpenStudy (mertsj):

I mean if you multiply the inscribed angle by 2 you will have the measure of its intercepted arc.

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (mertsj):

So what is arc AX?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (mertsj):

So now we need the theorem that says that an angle formed by a tangent and a secant that intersect outside the circle is 1/2 the difference of the intercepted arcs.

OpenStudy (mertsj):

Can you apply that theorem?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I don't know that theorem but I know what the tangent and secant are

OpenStudy (mertsj):

What are the measures of the two arcs intercepted by the tangent and the secant?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Do you mean the 100 and 84?

OpenStudy (mertsj):

Yes. Those are the arc measures. What is the difference of those arcs?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (mertsj):

What is 1/2 of 16?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (mertsj):

That is the measure of angle ACB

OpenStudy (anonymous):

that's all? Thanks

OpenStudy (mertsj):


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