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Mathematics 72 Online
OpenStudy (winsteria):

MEDAL AND FAN Which graphs show the solution to the given inequalities? 2x+8>6 A) B) C) D)

OpenStudy (winsteria):

@KamiBug @SolomonZelman @wio

OpenStudy (kamibug):

First solve the inequality. Subtract 8 from both sides and then divide both sides by 2. What's your simplified inequality? :)

OpenStudy (winsteria):


OpenStudy (kamibug):

Right! So since the sign is > the circle will be open and it will be on -1 and the shaded line will be going towards the right.

OpenStudy (winsteria):


OpenStudy (kamibug):

Correct. ^.^

OpenStudy (winsteria):

Thank you so muchhh :)

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