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LaTeX Practicing! :) 70 Online
jaynator495 (jaynator495):

URGENT WARNING: 4th TUTORIAL WILL BE POSTED FEB 25th! Jaynator495's Complete Ultimate Tutorial 3! :) (its not as long as you think! its mostly a lot of colors and symbols! :) ) After reading this tutorial... please post a comment rating it 1-10 thank you in advance! :)

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Basic~\LaTeX}\) The first thing you need to know about \(\LaTeX\), just like anything else your just learning, is the basics ;). \(\LaTeX\) requares symbols in the beggining "/(" and in the end "\)" inside the symbols you put the parameters (Input) for the \(\LaTeX\), Your Output All Depends on what you put inside the parameters. \(\LaTeX\) is very simple to do, however if you dont understand the fundamentals its a very hard subject.\(\LaTeX\) is a side of MathJex, we have more of what is know as MathJex then \(\LaTeX\). however in this totorial I will be teaching both under whats available, HOWEVER, I WILL NOT be teaching the math symbols and stuff like that... I may update it at a later date for it but as of this moment it stays how it is. \(\LaTeX\) is a type of Syntax Text coding type, Understanding Syntax will help you learn this MUCH faster, a good example on one that would help is LUA (The syntax programming type used on many things for example, ROBLOX.). Other text coding that knowing some of will help you in this i , HTML (all forms), Unicode, and Acsii. To see the code to somone elses \(\LaTeX\) right click it and click tex command... if you copy and paste it DON'T FORGET TO PUT THE ENTRY SYMBOLS! One last thing, look throughout the \(\LaTeX\) community here on OS and look for some \(\LaTeX\) then right click on it, go to view \(\LaTeX\) and look at what the code is. Once you got the code, observe it and dicect it then try to enter your own version of it. Keep looking at it and trying until it works in the preview box. Using that method you can teach yourself \(\LaTeX\) in down to maybe even 24mins (Thats the time it took me to teach myself after I learned about "\(" and "\)".) Good luck on Learning! :)

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Basic~\LaTeX~Entry}\) Basic LaTeX 101 how to format it so it will work \(BasicLaTeXEntry\) `\(BasicLaTeXEntry\)` is what i eneterd. this is the formating for nothing special... its the normal text no art, just semi normal text.

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Spacing}\) The normal spacing between words in the \(\LaTeX\) has a ~ between the words, if your wondering were this key is, its most of the time above the tab key below the esc key. if i were to enter `\(hi~welcome~to~openstudy\)` the output would be \(hi~welcome~to~openstudy\) there are infact other types of spacing, and they are, \space larger space \; large space \(hi\;hi\) \: mid space \(hi\:hi\) \, small space \(hi\,hi\) \! negative space (touches together) \(hi\!hi\) \quad huge space \(hi\quad hi\) \qquad 2x huge space \(hi\qquad hi\) \hspace{pt} space size of your choice (input the number of pt you want the size right before pt... for example 5pt or 12512pt you can also make a negative space with -256pt or -512pt) \(hi\hspace{1pt}hi\) OR \(hi\hspace{-1pt}hi\)

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Text~Sizes}\) There are many different text sizes, these can be used for emphesis, huge text, attention grabbers, etc. Arranged From Largest To Smallest \Huge \(\Huge{Test~Text}\) \huge \(\huge{Test~Text}\) \LARGE \(\LARGE{Test~Text}\) \Large \(\Large{Test~Text}\) \large \(\large{Test~Text}\) \normalsize \(\normalsize{Test~Text}\) \small \(\small{Test~Text}\) \scriptsize \(\scriptsize{Test~Text}\) \Tiny \(\Tiny{Test~Text}\) \tiny \(\tiny{Test~Text}\)

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Fonts}\) \sf \(\sf{Test~Text}\) \bf \(\bf{Test~Text}\) \cal \(\cal{Test~Text}\) \scr \(\scr{Test~Text}\) \rm \(\rm{Test~Text}\) \tt \(\tt{Test~Text}\) \it \(\it{Test~Text}\) \boldsymbol \(\boldsymbol{Test~Text}\) \mathbb \(\mathbb{Test~Text}\)

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Colors}\) There is a large list of predefined colors, however theres millions of colors you can use with latex, you can put hexidecimal color codes in the color choice box, any hexidecimal color code works. \(\href{http:///}{\sf\color{teal}{Here~Is~A~Good~Site~To~Get~Hexidecimal~Color~Codes~Nice~And~Easy}}\) I Think I Got All The Predifined Colors, If There Are Any I Missed Please Let Me Know! List of predifined colors \(\color{teal}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{teal}{Test~Text}\)` teal \(\color{gold}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{gold}{Test~Text}\)` gold \(\color{white}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{white}{Test~Text}\)` white \(\color{black}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{black}{Test~Text}\)` black \(\color{darkblue}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{darkblue}{Test~Text}\)` darkblue \(\color{darkgreen}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{darkgreen}{Test~Text}\)` darkgreen \(\color{green}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{green}{Test~Text}\)` green \(\color{red}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{red}{Test~Text}\)` red \(\color{blue}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{blue}{Test~Text}\)` blue \(\color{darkred}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{darkred}{Test~Text}\)` darkred \(\color{lightblue}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{lightblue}{Test~Text}\)` lightblue \(\color{lightgreen}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{lightgreen}{Test~Text}\)` lightgreen \(\color{orange}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{orange}{Test~Text}\)` orange \(\color{darkorange}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{darkorange}{Test~Text}\)` darkorange \(\color{goldenrod}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{goldenrod}{Test~Text}\)` goldenrod \(\color{violet}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{violet}{Test~Text}\)` violet \(\color{purple}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{purple}{Test~Text}\)` purple \(\color{cyan}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{cyan}{Test~Text}\)` cyan \(\color{darkcyan}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{darkcyan}{Test~Text}\)` darkcyan \(\color{lightcyan}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{lightcyan}{Test~Text}\)` lightcyan \(\color{blueviolet}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{blueviolet}{Test~Text}\)` blueviolet \(\color{brown}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{brown}{Test~Text}\)` brown \(\color{cadetblue}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{cadetblue}{Test~Text}\)` cadetblue \(\color{DarkOrchid}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{DarkOrchid}{Test~Text}\)` DarkOrchid \(\color{ForestGreen}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{ForestGreen}{Test~Text}\)` ForestGreen \(\color{Goldenrod}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{Goldenrod}{Test~Text}\)` Goldenrod \(\color{LimeGreen}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{LimeGreen}{Test~Text}\)` LimeGreen \(\color{OrangeRed}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{OrangeRed}{Test~Text}\)` OrangeRed \(\color{SpringGreen}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{SpringGreen}{Test~Text}\)` SpringGreen \(\color{VioletRed}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{VioletRed}{Test~Text}\)` VioletRed \(\color{YellowGreen}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{YellowGreen}{Test~Text}\)` YellowGreen \(\color{Aquamarine}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{Aquamarine}{Test~Text}\)` Aquamarine \(\color{Fuchsia}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{Fuchsia}{Test~Text}\)` Fuchsia \(\color{GreenYellow}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{GreenYellow}{Test~Text}\)` GreenYellow \(\color{Lavender}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{Lavender}{Test~Text}\)` Lavender \(\color{Magenta}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{Magenta}{Test~Text}\)` Magenta \(\color{Maroon}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{Maroon}{Test~Text}\)` Maroon \(\color{MidnightBlue}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{MidnightBlue}{Test~Text}\)` MidnightBlue \(\color{Orchid}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{Orchid}{Test~Text}\)` Orchid \(\color{Plum}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{Plum}{Test~Text}\)` Plum \(\color{RoyalBlue}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{RoyalBlue}{Test~Text}\)` RoyalBlue \(\color{SeaGreen}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{SeaGreen}{Test~Text}\)` SeaGreen \(\color{SkyBlue}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{SkyBlue}{Test~Text}\)` SkyBlue \(\color{Tan}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{Tan}{Test~Text}\)` Tan \(\color{Thistle}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{Thistle}{Test~Text}\)` Thistle \(\color{Violet}{Test~Text}\) `\(\color{Violet}{Test~Text}\)` Violet I'm pretty darn sure i got the entire list this time... xD

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Boxed~Text}\) With this you can box you text, or you can even box a box a box a box a text. \(\boxed{Test~Text}\) `\(\boxed{Test~Text}\)` Or For Multiple \(\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{Test~Text}}}}\) `\(\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{Test~Text}}}}\)` So for every extra box you want around your text you need a extra bracket ("}") at the end AND you need before you put the "\" for the next box to put another bracket ("{") before the "\".

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Bounding~Boxs}\) With this you can bound boxes together, however this one you can color the outline AND color the inside. However for more then one you still need what I said above \(\bbox[5pt,skyblue ,border:5pt solid blue]{Test~Text}\) `\(\bbox[5pt,skyblue ,border:5pt solid blue]{Test~Text}\)` OR \(\bbox[5pt,skyblue]{Test~Text}\) `\(\bbox[5pt,skyblue]{Test~Text}\)` OR \(\bbox[5pt,skyblue ,border:5px solid blue]{Test~Text}\) `\(\bbox[5pt,skyblue ,border:5px solid blue]{Test~Text}\)` OR \(\bbox[5pt,skyblue ,border:5px dashed blue]{Test~Text}\) `\(\bbox[5pt,skyblue ,border:5px dashed blue]{Test~Text}\)` OR \(\bbox[5pt,skyblue ,border:5px dotted blue]{Test~Text}\) `\(\bbox[5pt,skyblue ,border:5px dotted blue]{Test~Text}\)` The 1st and 2nd 5pt (and/or 5px) you can change to make any size you want (similar to the hspace I mentioned earlier) [5pt, ,border:5pt] the border and after is optional... this is only if you want a border on your bbox

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Overlaping~Text}\) Rlap is to overlap your text, not really much more to say about that. \(\rlap{\color{blue}{Test~Text}}{\color{teal}{\:Test~Text}}\) `\(\rlap{\color{blue}{Test~Text}}{\color{teal}{\:Test~Text}}\)` To Better Show You Whats Going On There I'm Going To Use Parenthesis, When You Are Entering The Command Do NOT Use The Parenthesis As It Will NOT Work! `\(\rlap{\color{(color you want to use for the lower layer here)}{(Text You Want For The Lower Layer}}{\color{(color you want for the lower layer here)}{(Spacing You Want Here this is important otherwise they'll be directly underneath eachother and you wont be able to see the shadow effect if you will)(Text you want for the top layer here)}}\)`

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{HyperLinks}\) This is used to put links in chat in \(\LaTeX\) formating! \(\href{http:///}{Test~Text}\) `\(\href{http:///}{Test~Text}\)` For links you needto use 3 "/"s and for links within the openstudy domain you use https:/// for links outside of openstudy you use http:/// \(\href{https:///}{Test~Text}\) `\(\href{https:///}{Test~Text}\)` Once again im going to use parenthesis to show you how this works, so don't use parenthesis when you are entering the command Outside of openstudy `\(\href{http:///(link you want here)/{(text you want the button to say here)}\)` Inside of openstudy `\(\href{https:///(link you want here)/{(text you want the button to say here)}\)`

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Entering~More~Then~One~Line\\With~One~Latex~String}\) This is a very simple but yet, VERY usefull feature in \(\LaTeX\). You may not need it much for basic stuff, but all in all, it REALLY helps for the advanced stuff! To skip to the next line while typing latex, just put "\\" next to the word you want to end that line... For Example. \(Test\\Text\) `\(Test\\Text\)` As you can see by the above, everytime i put \\ it goes to the next line without starting a new string of \(\LaTeX\).

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Underlines}\) This is a very simple, yet complex feature at the same time. It allows you to put a line under your \(\LaTeX\). \(\underline{Test~Text}\) `\(\underline{Test~Text}\)` As you can see the command is "\underline{}"

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Overlines}\) This is a very simple, yet complex feature at the same time. It allows you to put a line over your \(\LaTeX\). \(\overline{Test~Text}\) `\(\overline{Test~Text}\)` As you can see the command is "\overline{}"

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Invisible~\LaTeX}\) This Is So Simple It Doesn't Need To Be Said. All you have to do is \(\LaTeX\) with a white color.

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Hidden~\LaTeX}\) \(\hspace{500pt}{Hidden~\LaTeX}\) `\(\hspace{500pt}{Hidden~\LaTeX}\)` You simply use hspace with a 500pt value so its off the screen, then to view it you just view the \(\LaTeX\) command.

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Whacky~\LaTeX}\) In \(\LaTeX\) there are easter eggs, one of them is you can use "^" and "_" to shrink a letter and put it closer to the top or bottom \(T^es_t~^Te_xt^)\) `\(T^es_t~^Te_xt^)\)` Unfortantly though, you cant put more then one for each digit... if you did ^t^e^s^t^ it wouldn't work, you can only do it 2 digits apart. HOWEVER you can do this \(^{Test~Text}\) Or \(_{Test~Text}\) `\(^{Test~Text}\)` Or `\(_{Test~Text}\)` Update: You can infact actually put more then one for each digit! In order to you do it like this \(T^{e^{s^{t^{~^{T^{e^{s^{t}}}}}}}}\) `\(T^{e^{s^{t^{~^{T^{e^{s^{t}}}}}}}}\)` You need a "}" bracket at the end for ever single "{" you did.

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{Combining~\LaTeX~Commands}\) Of course you can combine \(\LaTeX\) commands to make amazing things (in version 4 I'll add WAY more to this section, sorry that atm theres not much for this.) For those that don't know how to combine \(\LaTeX\) for a lot of the latex things, then ill explain how. `\(\Size\Font\color{colorhere}{texthere}\)` OR `\(\Size\Font\color{colorhere}{texthere or additional commands you want to be colored such as bbox}\)` Pretty much the orginization is universal as long as you follow the pattern of how it works and combines :P For example I combined overline+underline+whacky\(\LaTeX\)+rlap to make my \(\LaTeX\) signiture, the result was this... \(\huge\sf\rlap{\color{lime}{\hspace{-1.55px}-^Ja_ynator^49_5-}}{\sf\color{lime}{\overline{\underline{\color{blue}{-^Ja_ynator^49_5-}}}}}\) `\(\huge\sf\rlap{\color{lime}{\hspace{-1.55px}-^Ja_ynator^49_5-}}{\sf\color{lime}{\overline{\underline{\color{blue}{-^Ja_ynator^49_5-}}}}}\)`

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{\LaTeX~Symbols}\) \(\pm\) `\(\pm\)` \pm \(\div\) `\(\div\)` \div \(\star\) `\(\star\)` \star \(\amalg\) `\(\amalg\)` \amalg \(\uplus\) `\(\uplus\)` \uplus \(\vee\) `\(\vee\)` \vee \(\ominus\) `\(\ominus\)` \ominus \(\bullet\) `\(\bullet\)` \bullet \(\rhd\) `\(\rhd\)` \rhd \(\oslash\) `\(\oslash\)` \oslash \(\triangleleft\) `\(\triangleleft\)` \triangleleft \(\bigtriangledown\) `\(\bigtriangledown\)` \bigtriangledown \(\setminus\) `\(\setminus\)` \setminus \(x^{\circ}\) `\(x^{\circ}\)` x^{\circ} OR \(Test~Text^{\circ}\) `\(Test~Text^{\circ}\)` This is pretty much using the "Whacy \(\LaTeX\)" feature i meantioned earlier... \circ is being shrunk and put upwards above to the right of the x. \(\mp\) `\(\mp\)` \mp \(\cdot\) `\(\cdot\)` \cdot \(\dagger\) `\(\dagger\)` \dagger \(\cap\) `\(\cap\)` \cap \(\sqcap\) `\(\sqcap\)` \sqcap \(\wedge\) `\(\wedge\)` \wedge \(\otimes\) `\(\otimes\)` \otimes \(\diamond\) `\(\diamond\)` \diamond \(\unlhd\) `\(\unlhd\)` \unlhd \(\odot\) `\(\odot\)` \odot \(\Diamond\) `\(\Diamond\)` \Diamond \(\Box\) `\(\Box\)` \Box \(\wr\) `\(\wr\)` \wr \(\times\) `\(\times\)` \times \(\ast\) `\(\ast\)` \ast \(\ddagger\) `\(\ddagger\)` \ddagger \(\cup\) `\(\cup\)` \cup \(\sqcup\) `\(\sqcup\)` \sqcup \(\oplus\) `\(\oplus\)` \oplus \(\circ\) `\(\circ\)` \circ \(\lhd\) `\(\lhd\)` \lhd \(\unrhd\) `\(\unrhd\)` \unrhd \(\bigcirc\) `\(\bigcirc\)` \bigcirc \(\bigtriangleup\) `\(\bigtriangleup\)` \bigtriangleup \(\triangleright\) `\(\triangleright\)` \triangleright \(\sqrt{x}\) `\(\sqrt{x}\)` \sqrt{x} this is simalar to the other one like this above, unfortantly because of that for now im not gonna explain that... i probably will with v4 though \(\le\) `\(\le\)` \le \(\sim\) `\(\sim\)` \sim \(\doteq\) `\(\doteq\)` \doteq \(\supset\) `\(\supset\)` \supset \(\subseteq\) `\(\subseteq\)` \subseteq \(\smile\) `\(\smile\)` \smile \(\equiv\) `\(\equiv\)` \equiv \(\sqsupseteq\) `\(\sqsupseteq\)` \sqsupseteq \(\in\) `\(\in\)` \in \(\succ\) `\(\succ\)` \succ \(\preceq\) `\(\preceq\)` \preceq \(\perp\) `\(\perp\)` \perp \(\mid\) `\(\mid\)` \mid \(\ge\) `\(\ge\)` \ge \(\ll\) `\(\ll\)` \ll \(\simeq\) `\(\simeq\)` \simeq \(\approx\) `\(\approx\)` \approx \(\supseteq\) `\(\supseteq\)` \supseteq \(\sqsubset\) `\(\sqsubset\)` \sqsubset \(\frown\) `\(\frown\)` \frown \(\propto\) `\(\propto\)` \propto \(\ni\) `\(\ni\)` \ni \(\vdash\) `\(\vdash\)` \vdash \(\succeq\) `\(\succeq\)` \succeq \(\parallel\) `\(\parallel\)` \parallel \(\neq\) `\(\neq\)` \neq \(\gg\) `\(\gg\)` \gg \(\subset\) `\(\subset\)` \subset \(\asymp\) `\(\asymp\)` \asymp \(\cong\) `\(\cong\)` \cong \(\sqsupset\) `\(\sqsupset\)` \sqsupset \(\sqsubseteq\) `\(\sqsubseteq\)` \sqsubseteq \(\bowtie\) `\(\bowtie\)` \bowtie \(\prec\) `\(\prec\)` \prec \(\dashv\) `\(\dashv\)` \dashv \(\models\) `\(\models\)` \models \(\|\) `\(\|\)` \| \(\nmid\) `\(\nmid\)` \nmid \(\nsim\) `\(\nsim\)` \nsim \(\not<\) `\(\not<\)` \not< \(\not\le\) `\(\not\le\)` \not\le \(\not\approx\) `\(\not\approx\)` \not\approx \(\not\parallel\) `\(\not\parallel\)` \not\parallel \(\lneq\) `\(\lneq\)` \lneq \(\lneqq\) `\(\lneqq\)` \lneqq \(\nleq\) `\(\nleq\)` \nleq \(\ncong\) `\(\ncong\)` \ncong \(\not>\) `\(\not>\)` \not> \(\not\ge\) `\(\not\ge\)` \not\ge \(\not\cong\) `\(\not\cong\)` \not\cong \(\nless\) `\(\nless\)` \nless \(\gneq\) `\(\gneq\)` \gneq \(\gneqq\) `\(\gneqq\)` \gneqq \(\ngeq\) `\(\ngeq\)` \ngeq \(\nparallel\) `\(\nparallel\)` \nparallel \(\not=\) `\(\not=\)` \not= \(\not\sim\) `\(\not\sim\)` \not\sim \(\not\equiv\) `\(\not\equiv\)` \not\equiv \(\ngtr\) `\(\ngtr\)` \ngtr \(\lnsim\) `\(\lnsim\)` \lnsim \(\alpha\) `\(\alpha\)` \alpha \(\epsilon\) `\(\epsilon\)` \epsilon \(\theta\) `\(\theta\)` \theta \(\lambda\) `\(\lambda\)` \lambda \(\pi\) `\(\pi\)` \pi \(\sigma\) `\(\sigma\)` \sigma \(\phi\) `\(\phi\)` \phi \(\omega\) `\(\omega\)` \omega \(\beta\) `\(\beta\)` \beta \(\varepsilon\) `\(\varepsilon\)` \varepsilon \(\vartheta\) `\(\vartheta\)` \vartheta \(\mu\) `\(\mu\)` \mu \(\varpi\) `\(\varpi\)` \varpi \(\varsigma\) `\(\varsigma\)` \varsigma \(\varphi\) `\(\varphi\)` \varphi \(\gamma\) `\(\gamma\)` \gamma \(\zeta\) `\(\zeta\)` \zeta \(\iota\) `\(\iota\)` \iota \(\nu\) `\(\nu\)` \nu \(\rho\) `\(\rho\)` \rho \(\tau\) `\(\tau\)` \tau \(\chi\) `\(\chi\)` \chi \(\delta\) `\(\delta\)` \delta \(\eta\) `\(\eta\)` \eta \(\kappa\) `\(\kappa\)` \kappa \(\xi\) `\(\xi\)` \xi \(\varrho\) `\(\varrho\)` \varrho \(\upsilon\) `\(\upsilon\)` \upsilon \(\psi\) `\(\psi\)` \psi \(\Gamma\) `\(\Gamma\)` \Gamma \(\Xi\) `\(\Xi\)` \Xi \(\Phi\) `\(\Phi\)` \Phi \(\Delta\) `\(\Delta\)` \Delta \(\Pi\) `\(\Pi\)` \Pi \(\Psi\) `\(\Psi\)` \Psi \(\Theta\) `\(\Theta\)` \Theta \(\Sigma\) `\(\Sigma\)` \Sigma \(\Omega\) `\(\Omega\)` \Omega \(\Lambda\) `\(\Lambda\)` \Lambda \(\Upsilon\) `\(\Upsilon\)` \Upsilon \(\gets\) `\(\gets\)` \gets \(\leftarrow\) `\(\leftarrow\)` \leftarrow \(\rightarrow\) `\(\rightarrow\)` \rightarrow \(\leftrightarrow\) `\(\leftrightarrow\)` \leftrightarrow \(\mapsto\) `\(\mapsto\)` \mapsto \(\leftharpoonup\) `\(\leftharpoonup\)` \leftharpoonup \(\rightleftharpoons\) `\(\rightleftharpoons\)` \rightleftharpoons \(\Longleftarrow\) `\(\Longleftarrow\)` \Longleftarrow \(\Longrightarrow\) `\(\Longrightarrow\)` \Longrightarrow \(\Longleftrightarrow\) `\(\Longleftrightarrow\)` \Longleftrightarrow \(\hookrightarrow\) `\(\hookrightarrow\)` \hookrightarrow \(\rightharpoondown\) `\(\rightharpoondown\)` \rightharpoondown \(\uparrow\) `\(\uparrow\)` \uparrow \(\downarrow\) `\(\downarrow\)` \downarrow \(\updownarrow\) `\(\updownarrow\)` \updownarrow \(\nearrow\) `\(\nearrow\)` \nearrow \(\swarrow\) `\(\swarrow\)` \swarrow \(\to\) `\(\to\)` \to \(\Leftarrow\) `\(\Leftarrow\)` \Leftarrow \(\Rightarrow\) `\(\Rightarrow\)` \Rightarrow \(\Leftrightarrow\) `\(\Leftrightarrow\)` \Leftrightarrow \(\hookleftarrow\) `\(\hookleftarrow\)` \hookleftarrow \(\leftharpoondown\) `\(\leftharpoondown\)` \leftharpoondown \(\longleftarrow\) `\(\longleftarrow\)` \longleftarrow \(\longrightarrow\) `\(\longrightarrow\)` \longrightarrow \(\longleftrightarrow\) `\(\longleftrightarrow\)` \longleftrightarrow \(\longmapsto\) `\(\longmapsto\)` \longmapsto \(\rightharpoonup\) `\(\rightharpoonup\)` \rightharpoonup \(\leadsto\) `\(\leadsto\)` \leadsto \(\Uparrow\) `\(\Uparrow\)` \Uparrow \(\Downarrow\) `\(\Downarrow\)` \Downarrow \(\Updownarrow\) `\(\Updownarrow\)` \Updownarrow \(\searrow\) `\(\searrow\)` \searrow \(\nwarrow\) `\(\nwarrow\)` \nwarrow \(\hat{x}\) `\(\hat{x}\)` \hat{x} \(\breve{x}\) `\(\breve{x}\)` \breve{x} \(\grave{x}\) `\(\grave{x}\)` \grave{x} \(\bar{x}\) `\(\bar{x}\)` \bar{x} \(\check{x}\) `\(\check{x}\)` \check{x} \(\acute{x}\) `\(\acute{x}\)` \acute{x} \(\tilde{x}\) `\(\tilde{x}\)` \tilde{x} \(\vec{x}\) `\(\vec{x}\)` \vec{x} \(\dot{x}\) `\(\dot{x}\)` \dot{x} \(\ddot{x}\) `\(\ddot{x}\)` \ddot{x} \(\mathring{x}\) `\(\mathring{x}\)` \mathring{x} \(\vec{\jmath}\) `\(\vec{\jmath}\)` \vec{\jmath} \(\tilde{\imath}\) `\(\tilde{\imath}\)` \tilde{\imath} \(\widehat{Test~Text}\) `\(\widehat{Test~Text}\)` \widehat{Test~Text} \(\widetilde{Test~Text}\) `\(\widetilde{Test~Text}\)` \widetilde{Test~Text} \(\infty\) `\(\infty\)` \infty \(\aleph\) `\(\aleph\)` \aleph \(\jmath\) `\(\jmath\)` \jmath \(\Re\) `\(\Re\)` \Re \(\prime\) `\(\prime\)` \prime \(\surd\) `\(\surd\)` \surd \(\bot\) `\(\bot\)` \bot \(\forall\) `\(\forall\)` \forall \(\flat\) `\(\flat\)` \flat \(\backslash\) `\(\backslash\)` \backslash \(\clubsuit\) `\(\clubsuit\)` \clubsuit \(\spadesuit\) `\(\spadesuit\)` \spadesuit \(\S\) `\(\S\)` \S \(\triangle\) `\(\triangle\)` \triangle \(\hbar\) `\(\hbar\)` \hbar \(\ell\) `\(\ell\)` \ell \(\Im\) `\(\Im\)` \Im \(\emptyset\) `\(\emptyset\)` \emptyset \(\partial\) `\(\partial\)` \partial \(\vdash\) `\(\vdash\)` \vdash \(\exists\) `\(\exists\)` \exists \(\natural\) `\(\natural\)` \natural \(\diamondsuit\) `\(\diamondsuit\)` \diamondsuit \(\Box\) `\(\Box\)` \Box \(\Join\) `\(\Join\)` \Join \(\angle\) `\(\angle\)` \angle \(\imath\) `\(\imath\)` \imath \(\wp\) `\(\wp\)` \wp \(\mho\) `\(\mho\)` \mho \(\nabla\) `\(\nabla\)` \nabla \(\top\) `\(\top\)` \top \(\dashv\) `\(\dashv\)` \dashv \(\neg\) `\(\neg\)` \neg \(\sharp\) `\(\sharp\)` \sharp \(\Diamond\) `\(\Diamond\)` \Diamond \(\heartsuit\) `\(\heartsuit\)` \heartsuit \(\blacksquare\) `\(\blacksquare\)` \blacksquare \(\_\) `\(\_\)` \_ \(\&\) `\(\&\)` \& \(\{\) `\(\{\)` \{ \(\%\) `\(\%\)` \% \(\}\) `\(\}\)` \} \(\#\) `\(\#\)` \# \(\backslash\) `\(\backslash\)` \backslash \(!`\) `\(!`\)` !` \(\lceil\) `\(\lceil\)` \lceil \(\rangle\) `\(\rangle\)` \rangle \(\lfloor\) `\(\lfloor\)` \lfloor \(\rceil\) `\(\rceil\)` \rceil \(\rfloor\) `\(\rfloor\)` \rfloor \(\langle\) `\(\langle\)` \langle \(\sum\) `\(\sum\)` \sum \(\prod\) `\(\prod\)` \prod \(\bigcup\) `\(\bigcup\)` \bigcup \(\bigwedge\) `\(\bigwedge\)` \bigwedge \(\bigoplus\) `\(\bigoplus\)` \bigoplus \(\int\) `\(\int\)` \int \(\coprod\) `\(\coprod\)` \coprod \(\bigsqcup\) `\(\bigsqcup\)` \bigsqcup \(\bigodot\) `\(\bigodot\)` \bigodot \(\biguplus\) `\(\biguplus\)` \biguplus \(\oint\) `\(\oint\)` \oint \(\bigcap\) `\(\bigcap\)` \bigcap \(\bigvee\) `\(\bigvee\)` \bigvee \(\bigotimes\) `\(\bigotimes\)` \bigotimes For the record, this is why i didnt want to do symbols... because theres so many of them and there takign this giant amount of room... oh well... in v4 ill do tables this way i can compact this and use 5-6x more space... next version ill also get more specific about all of these :P If i accidently said anything more then once, or messed up on anything, please let me know so I can fix it next version!

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

\(\sf\huge{share~the~\LaTeX}\) \(\href{http:///}{\bf\large\rlap{\bbox[4.5pt, black]{\color{Orange}{Please~Click~Here~For~~~dddddddddddddddddd~~~~~~~~}}}\color{Red}{\,Please~Click~Here~~~~~~~~~~}\rlap {\bbox[2.5pt, black]{\color{Teal}{A~Complete~}LaTeX~Tutorial}}\color{blue}{\,A~Complete~LaTeX~Tutorial}~~~3}\) Copy+Paste this code below to show poeple this tutorial, give them the link if the want to learn latex, help get latex recognised! ``` \(\href{http:///}{\bf\large\rlap{\bbox[4.5pt, black]{\color{Orange}{Please~Click~Here~For~~~dddddddddddddddddd~~~~~~~~}}}\color{Red}{\,Please~Click~Here~~~~~~~~~~}\rlap{\bbox[2.5pt, black]{\color{Teal}{A~Complete~}LaTeX~Tutorial}}\color{blue}{\,A~Complete~LaTeX~Tutorial}~~~3}\) ```

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

I will add to everything over time to make sure its 100% clear and gives all information you could ever need all in on place, hope you enjoyed my tutorial, have a nice day! :)

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

Thanks you for reading! If you found any mistakes or things more then once, please let me know so I can fix it next version!

jaynator495 (jaynator495):


OpenStudy (abhisar):

Nice and Clean!

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

Thanks! :)

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

also abhisar... why did you unfan me again? :(

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I didn't read it, but I'm guessing It's good coming from you. :P

OpenStudy (anonymous):

"LaTeX Master"

OpenStudy (abhisar):

Have I ? :O

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

yep :(

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Maybe hulk smashed Abhisar's heart :o

jaynator495 (jaynator495): see :(

OpenStudy (abhisar):

Dr. Babysar will eat hulk :P

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Like how you ate your clipboard?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


jaynator495 (jaynator495):

O_O im going to take that as your not re-fanning me! XD

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

speaking of fans... im being fan spammed...

OpenStudy (anonymous):

By who?

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

jaynator495 (jaynator495):


OpenStudy (abhisar):

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

but it shows you havent fanned me? #Logic

jaynator495 (jaynator495): unless of course you jsu fanned me! lol

OpenStudy (anonymous):


jaynator495 (jaynator495):

well we have got the power, to go hour after hour. Yes we have got the power (backround music stops and the voice gains a lot of bass and very low tone) To go hour after hour.

OpenStudy (abhisar):

Stop it or Dr. Babysar will eat chu all >_<

OpenStudy (abhisar):

Stop it or Dr. Babysar will eat chu all >_<

OpenStudy (anonymous):


jaynator495 (jaynator495):

i stoped it :(

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

wow i havent seen this many people on in a long time! openstudy must be working better lol

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

were up to 70 O_O

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

dear lord... everyday icecube makes antoher account and fans me with it lol

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Hope you enjoyed my tutorial! :)

OpenStudy (confluxepic):

If I even read it. @Jaynator495

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

hey i'm not the one who asked for all the mathjex... the latex community did... so im gonna do some serous compaction with tables next tutorial lol

OpenStudy (e.mccormick):

Oh, you can copyright a tutorial. It just follows the limits of the site rules. My point was on using some boxes around something to be colorful has been done so many times I am not sure you could copyright that. And, they changed the text inside it, so it is not an exact copy. Oh, and on bounding boxes, they are meant to put bounds around something. You can also change the text color as part of the box's command. \(\bbox[5pt,skyblue ,border:5px solid blue; color: red]{Test~Text}\)

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

wasnt the tutorial itself that was copyright XD wasnt even the latex... :P was actually the name ._. btw... wonder how all of a suden my tutoral just exploded with medals O_O

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

one more medal and i would have doubled my medals... O_O

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

@e.mccormick was actually the name... considering thats the only thing that i could even copyright... lol

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

or \(\Huge\color{forestgreen}{10}\)

jaynator495 (jaynator495):


jaynator495 (jaynator495):

just read your comment all the way... dyslexics of he world unite! @e.mccormick :P

OpenStudy (e.mccormick):

So you finally figgured out the call to arms.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

\color{Red}{l} \color{blue}{o} \color{pink}{l}

OpenStudy (anonymous):

\color{Red}l \color{blue}o \color{pink}l

OpenStudy (anonymous):

\[\color{Red}{l} \color{blue}{o} \color{pink}{l}\]

OpenStudy (anonymous):

\[\color{Red}{Demonx341 In the house!}\]

OpenStudy (anonymous):

\[\color{Red}{this} \color{blue}{is} \color{pink}{so} \color{brown}{Fun}\]

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

\[\(\href{http:///}{Click Me}\)\]

OpenStudy (anonymous):

@Jaynator495 did i do it correctly?

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

@e.mccormick truth be told... i found it out jan 19 after i finally did 2+2... evil overlord comp says... dyslexic some say... after that... i thought... whats a common expression for that... unite... so after that i unscrambled it xD i even postedit on a post ou were on... but you never saw it xD

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

well uh... close... you added an extra "\(" and "\)"

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

but what is your rating of the tutorial... 1-10 @e.mccormick and @Demonx341

OpenStudy (anonymous):

9. @Jaynator495

OpenStudy (jane11509):

\color{Red}l \color{blue}o \color{pink}lol

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

@TheSmartOne @TheEdwardsFamily @Xx_H20_Avenger_xX @nobrainiachere @sammixboo @sleepyhead314 @sleepyjess You have been tagged because you commented on Tutorial 2, or medaled on turoiral 2 and i have not noticed any activity from you on tutorial 3, so this is to make sure you actually know it exists. (i may have not gotten half the poeple)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

\(\Huge\color{red}{H}\)\(\Huge\color{orange}{A}\) \(\Huge\color{purple}{P}\) \(\Huge\color{yellow}{P}\) \(\Huge\color{green}{Y}\) \(\Huge\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\Huge\color{green}\bigstar\Huge\color{red}{V}\Huge\color{orange}{a}\Huge\color{yellow}{l}\Huge\color{green}{e}\Huge\color{blue}{n}\Huge\color{purple}{t}\Huge\color{pink}{i}\Huge\color{red}{n}\Huge\color{orange}{e}\Huge\color{red}{s~}\Huge\color{purple}{D}\Huge\color{green}{a}\Huge\color{purple}{y}\Huge\color{orange}\bigstar}}}\\\) \(\Large\ Made~By:XxH2O~AvengerxX\)

jaynator495 (jaynator495):


jaynator495 (jaynator495):

this isnt latex practice (especially scince its so laggy) eh ._.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

thats the best one ive made so far...........sorry

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

np ._.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Ive been tryin to teach jane..but its hard to explain LaTeX

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

why dont you give her the laex banner so she can learn here? :)

TheSmartOne (thesmartone):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

huzzah ._.

sammixboo (sammixboo):

Awesome, but when I was going through the symbols I was like o_O -_- O_O You need to list them how I did my gifs on this post (side by side) If you feel like that will take toooooo long I will gladly do it for you

sammixboo (sammixboo):

Same with the colors. It'll make it shorter and more organized

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yes as a matter of a fact im fully aware of that, infact next tutorial i'll be using the tables in order to do a lot side by side :P

eclipsedstar (eclipsedstar):

\[\color{Red}{l} \color{blue}{o} \color{pink}{l}\]

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

im going to have to ask, everyone go to my secondary accounts latex question in order to post latex, as the latex already here takes a LONG time to load. however feel free to still comment! :)

OpenStudy (samanthagreer):

\(hi\scr\) wow this is cool

OpenStudy (samanthagreer):


jaynator495 (jaynator495):

thanks! :D

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

Im working on v.4... oh holy lord i dotn want to put all the symbols in a table... you know what... ill do that in v.5... so far... i got the colors in a table and made minor ajustments... ill get started on the v.5 symbol table... but not finishing it yet...

jaynator495 (jaynator495):

ive finally done it... ive finally perfected Latex Copy Protection... Minimal Latex... Minimal Lag... And only takes a few minutes to put on any latex... victory...

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