My Goku Drawing Process:
Final Form:
Step 1:
Find a reference. The way I draw imitations is through referencing the original works.
Here is the original that my drawing is based off of:
My personal preference is to start with the eyes (because they are the most difficult for me to get even or symmetrical). I know of others who have their own preferences of starting with the hair, hairline, torso, or a skeleton sketch.
For this instance, it took me about 5 tries to get the eyes right before I moved on to the nose and mouth. Once I have the facial aspects there, I draw the actual face boundaries (erasing and adjusting as necessary so he doesn't look too fat or square).
Then I started on the hair.
Goku's hair is a butt to draw.
The weird angles were the hardest part. I tried to match how the spikes go in the original, but I messed up some angles or drew the spikes too thick. So they ended up uneven.
I added two spikes on the right side to balance it out.
I added the neck lines and started drawing the torso. My personal method is that each line I draw is some distance or angle from a previous part of the drawing - this way, I can try to scale the drawing properly and not have it be lopsided. At the same time, not tracing.
I added his cool belt and his arm with all the muscles. The lines on clothing in particular takes practice to understand what sorts of folds are more natural and such.
The finished sketch. I drew a small bit under the waist + his hands. However, if you look back at the reference I was using, the picture didn't include hands. (So the hand on the left of the picture, goku's right hand, is a bit of a rough sketch).
Outlining and shading.
I outlined all the solid lines of the sketch, so that when I shaded over it, you would still be able to see the lines. I suppose if this were a digital sketch, the sketch would be a layer and you would define the boundaries with proper coloring and shading.
I added a light layer of shading + a darker shade for certain parts of his hair.
Also note, the same (mechanical) pencil was used in this entire process. Some people who don't have as much control (or who get cramps from drawing darker lines) may use different grades of pencils to get the same effect.
Outlined torso and added a basic layer of shading
I say 'basic' layer to mean that this layer of shading doesn't take into account the color of his shirt or belt.
Adding a color shading to the shirt.
This is where the coloring you did in preschool comes in handy. Just gotta color within the lines. Granted you also have to maintain the same heaviness of the shading in order to give the proper illusion of one color.
After adding the color shading, I went back and adjusted the darkness of the basic shadows I added in the previous step.
I did the same heaviness of shading for his pants. (plus outlining the rest of the sketch). Adding proper shading on the arms and pants.
Then shaded the belt and wrist bands a darker shade. + added the darker shade on top of those for the shadows.
You can probably tell I used a different camera effect on the last picture. Gray scale to remove the yellowness of the lighting Increased Contrast to bring out the boldness of the lines. Feel free to comment, critique, ask questions, make requests, etc. Thanks!
i dont really like anime
that's amazing
Amazing! |dw:1508859441845:dw|
u can make a greeat manga artist
yep that's right, u may be a gifted artist
Nicely done! Looking buff :o
it is mazin like woh i cant even
i wish i could draw ;~;
but i cant
I haven't even used it yet. ;-;
rip my drawing skills
See they suck
god art
its beautiful
its stunning
hwoever can draw anime charecters like that is a god at drawing
Cool. I'm somewhat decent at drawing. I just need to spend more time doing it. I know I can do better. I sometimes just don't spend enough time on what I'm drawing.
thats ligittimitly damn awesome
.o. *insert anime WOW*
Ahhh that's hot
ik right
now I need to figure out how to post the dawlings I did on paper
Are you on mobile or desktop? @lunar
Im on a computer @ultriliam
oofies @Ultrilliam
Hit attach file @lunar
Very nice.
holy crap
wow... just wow
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