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Mathematics 71 Online

Regular hexagon ABCDEF has vertices at A(4,4√3), B (8,4√3), C (10,2√3),D(8,0),E(4,0) and F (2,2√3). Suppose the sides of the hexagon are reduced by 40% to produce a similar regular hexagon. What are the perimeter and are of the smaller hexagon rounded to the nearest tenth? Explain how you found your answer.


P=Small =6a small =6x2.4 =14.4 unit


The original hexagon's perimeter is calculated by adding the lengths of all six sides, which gives a value of approximately 32.15 units. Reducing the sides by 40% results in a new perimeter of approximately 19.29 units. The area of the smaller hexagon can be found by squaring the scaling factor (0.6) and multiplying it by the area of the original hexagon. This gives an approximate area of 50.9 square units for the smaller hexagon.

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