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English 26 Online

Create a modern sonnet with 14 lines




Alright, we can't necessarily write this for you.. However, we can guide you through it. Do you have an idea on what you want to make a modern sonnet about? Or is there any specific theme that you have to do in order to make one?




here's an example of a sonnet I wrote years back, steal it and I sue you. The Chaotic Dance of Love by Oliver Chaillaux Oh, love can be a merry kind of mess, A dance where chaos leads the way each night; In tangled steps, we strive for sweet success, Yet stumble on, through shadows without light. Two souls entwined in comedy's embrace, Attempting jests in moments fraught with fear; Anxiety lurks in the frenzied space, Where laughter rules, but doubt is always near. Through differences that spark the fiery clash, We find our rhythm in this waltz of strife; A mix of joy and sorrow in one dash, Creating chaos in our shared life. And though the path we walk is not serene, In love's wild tango, chaos reigns supreme.


@oliver69 wrote:
here's an example of a sonnet I wrote years back, steal it and I sue you. OMG so impressive... Um What would you title it? What's your title for this poem? The Chaotic Dance of Love by Oliver Chaillaux Oh, love can be a merry kind of mess, A dance where chaos leads the way each night; In tangled steps, we strive for sweet success, Yet stumble on, through shadows without light. Two souls entwined in comedy's embrace, Attempting jests in moments fraught with fear; Anxiety lurks in the frenzied space, Where laughter rules, but doubt is always near. Through differences that spark the fiery clash, We find our rhythm in this waltz of strife; A mix of joy and sorrow in one dash, Creating chaos in our shared life. And though the path we walk is not serene, In love's wild tango, chaos reigns supreme.

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