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Hey, I made an account on this one website (won't say the name because I might get banned), but it keeps giving me ads for nicotine and pills to enlarge parts of my body. Ad blockers don't work. Is there any way to turn them off?




U got hacked




why would i jump


you have to free yourself


quit vaping


@jayfafr wrote:
you have to free yourself
How would I be able to do that?


Call FBI on qc and get this site taken down


@abound wrote:
Call FBI on qc and get this site taken down
on gangland


u should get the pills and nicotine. click on the ads!


then maybe they'll just go away. but Idk how to do that I just click the x and put inappropriate then they dont pop back up again


Get the site reported, obv don’t get on it again


I'd say that the ads are embedded in the website's code, which basically means that you can't remove them without either inspecting the page or using an Element Zapper, such as the one on uBlock Origin (a Chrome extension). Either way, I'd say watch your back, and get the site reported as soon as possible, and don't get on it again.


@aratox wrote:
I'd say that the ads are embedded in the website's code, which basically means that you can't remove them without either inspecting the page or using an Element Zapper, such as the one on uBlock Origin (a Chrome extension). Either way, I'd say watch your back, and get the site reported as soon as possible, and don't get on it again.


It depends on the website you use. I have a similar website that does the same problem, but um not smoking ads. The way to stop those ads on that website is you have like buy 'premium' and the ads stop. Or sometimes a simple reset of your device helps. Also, I don't have 'premium' on my website, but the more I'm on it, the more the ads go away. So maybe just be active more. That's all I got for now. I hope I could help.


Make a new account because there might be something wrong with kt


I don't know that has never has happened to me..


Ummm their is a reason your getting those adds, they don't usually just pop up unless you were looking into that kinda shi, even if you only looked at it 4 a min or something, their gunna keep advertising



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