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Biology 56 Online

why is 9t not possible to mix animals


Dk, dc.




._. I would’ve thought this would be obvious. You can’t take a cow and have it mate with a bird. For one, poor bird. Second off, that’s just.. not how it works. They have to be a part of the same species n all that 😭 How do you not know this?


I'm not going to lie this is one of the most weirdest questions. Also, you wouldn't force humans of different races or ethnicities to mate and get mixed kids. So there you can't expect animals to do it. This ain't even saying the fact that you can't just breed animals and get mixed animals. Two different species of dogs are fine, like a bulldog and German Shepherd is fine, but like @sailor said you can't just mate two animals that are not part of the same species branch. It's just common sense.


@sailor wrote:
._. I would’ve thought this would be obvious. You can’t take a cow and have it mate with a bird. For one, poor bird. Second off, that’s just.. not how it works. They have to be a part of the same species n all that 😭 How do you not know this?
the poor bird got my laughing to hard

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