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not sure if ya'll hear of this but last year there was this girl and her name is Aubreigh Wyatt and she was bullied by a group of people and they hated her so much that she decided to commit suicide. Then when her bullies found out she died the main leader in the group made a video recreating Aubreigh's death by getting a doll and getting fake blood while slicing the dolls neck in half. not sure exactly what happened after but i think Aubreigh's mom found a note from her months later. her mom i hink the decied to post about this on social media and it got a lot of attention and one of the bullies mom tried suing Aubreigh's mom and she got silenced and I think she also got banned on social media for a while. also people are saying to wear pink on july 31st on honor of Aubreigh's death. RIP AubreighπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ’


btw this is what she looks like, idk why such a beautiful girl would so this.

1 attachment

Damn she so pretty, y would any1 want to bully her? Thats js fked up


thats so sad I know what its like to get bullied ive got bullied for years and it landed me in the meantal hospital for a year I feel so bad for her familey I wish I would have know her so that way she knew that killing herself was not the way to handle what happened


this is screwd up she is so gorgeous and people think they can do whatever they want because they won't get caught or just don't have anything better to do it really angers me to see such people treat her like that she did not deserve it tch shows you how much humanity itself has not changed i have been bullied for years just because of my looks


i agree


Thats what P.isses me off, when people bully someone for there looks. Looks don't matter at all. it's the personality. Like you can be the most beautiful person n be a cold-hearted bch. This js p.isses me of




and to top it off this happends to many bullied teens they end up k!lling themselves because of bullies or other things like if they don't know what they have been though don't say anything then or just keep your mouth shut


Real, tho here don't hate on me... But I feel like sum teens instead of talking they stay quiet I feel like maybe if they told their parents or sum, they could help yk? tho in sum cases they do js ignore the kid n shi. but like I seriously don't understand the point in bullying. My dad tells me that people who bully is cuz either their parents do it to them or cuz there js low life bches who seek for attention. I js can't w ppl who bully other ppl js for their look or js cuz there poor.


i agree some are scared to tell either because they fear things getting worse it's unfortunate that this must happen to this beautiful girl


may she rest in peace πŸ™


Amen. I feel like if people did more about bullying kids would not be scared to speak up


@xshawtyx wrote:
Real, tho here don't hate on me... But I feel like sum teens instead of talking they stay quiet I feel like maybe if they told their parents or sum, they could help yk? tho in sum cases they do js ignore the kid n shi. but like I seriously don't understand the point in bullying. My dad tells me that people who bully is cuz either their parents do it to them or cuz there js low life bches who seek for attention. I js can't w ppl who bully other ppl js for their look or js cuz there poor.
I think I heard that Aubreigh was a very quiet girl in school.


i am the same way though i don't tell anyone because I'm quiet i don't say anything and I'm to shy so i don't tell anyone


Thats just fked up. I can't this pi.sses me off. that's there's cruel ah ppl who js bully others for fun. I bully the bullies the fkers who thing they own the school n who think they can go around hurting ppl. those r the bches I fk w. but n innocent kid who did nothing?? I can't this shi is js anoying


i talk sht about people who bully or just straight up start something


like stand your ground ykwim


Felt, Like for me Im not shy or quiet but I keep to myself yk? Now if some1 comes fk w me then Ofc I'ma say sum back. Or like when I see some1 being a bch for no reason then I step in. Like I js don't get the point of bullying.


Anyways May she rest in peace πŸ™ Such a beautiful young girl did not deserve such cruelty that she passed


Rip πŸ™


god thats messed up. i hate bullying in general, but bullying someone to point where they feel like theres nothing for them anymore? bullying someone to the point where they commit suicide? that's just messed. whoever bullied this poor girl should be like in jail or smth idek this just makes me so mad how they bullied this poor girl enough so that she commited suicide. and then on top of that, making a video recreating it? like what the actual flip. anyway yeah this is sad. Those girls who bullied her will get what they deserve. And may Aubreigh rest in piece.


real, Like people r such Idiots there no point in bullying like at all.




Like the only bches I bully is the bullies :> the bches who think there better than any1 n who hurt other ppl js for fun. those r the only ppl I fk w


tbh ima be honest when i was bullied i filled on cried in my shower and had mental breakdowns


ik those people she is such a btch


I was bullied a lot when I was younger.... Nv again is that shi goona happened to me. I let it slide for way 2 long not nomo


I was bullied a lot when I was younger.... Nv again is that shi goona happened to me. I let it slide for way 2 long not nomo


@xshawtyx wrote:
real, Like people r such Idiots there no point in bullying like at all.
FR like whoever decides to bully someone is just like such a lame person. bullying is the sign of being weak honestly. it's so much better to just be nice. being nice is such a great quality, and i hate people who decide to be mean. its just lame


sometimes i wonder if i am the smart one in humanity


@xshawtyx wrote:
I was bullied a lot when I was younger.... Nv again is that shi goona happened to me. I let it slide for way 2 long not nomo
always stick up for yourself honestly. dont let bullies get away with it


Yea... I js hope every1 would stick up for themselves. Like I try to help those whom I see have been bullied but like. I can't help every1 yk? Like when I see soem1 getting bullied I fk the bch up. Gets me in trouble but oh well lol


@xshawtyx wrote:
Yea... I js hope every1 would stick up for themselves. Like I try to help those whom I see have been bullied but like. I can't help every1 yk? Like when I see soem1 getting bullied I fk the bch up. Gets me in trouble but oh well lol
yeah stick up for yourself and others : )


when it happens just gotta punch someones jawbone in


Yea lmao, Bullys be scared of me so we don't got much problems nomo in school,but like I js hope every1 would understand the consecunses of bullying... Like it's nun fnny.




R.I.P Aubreigh Wyatt. She did not deserve any of that. LLAW.


May she rest in peace πŸ•ŠοΈ she is really pretty πŸ™πŸ½


I guess winners do die 😭😭




@sirena2456 wrote:
like stand your ground ykwim


R. I. P. Aubreigh.


That is so unfortunate. I hate seeing it happen like this, but this is unfortunately common even when bullying victims share the same circumstance as Aubreigh. The bullying keeps happening even after, it is horrifying.


Sometimes u jus gotta beat there asss so they learn there lesson


rip πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈ .


ye beat them :>

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