Fellas today. I was left alone at my home when my family left to go somewhere. And I guess I stared doing qhat I wanted and I realized. That it wasn't really great when I got into it. So I started to scroll there insta seeing how ppl feel rn. And it's not all that well. I seen a couple of videos saying why boys aren't out going and asking girls out some talking about everyone's struggles. I see that. Pain is but a concept of life. And we Interpret it. In are own ways. And what stood out to me was that everyone would continue o. That pain. Now I know what am saying is weird but. When you look at a friend or someone u care about. Just say hi. They probably need it right now.
that's so real
Damn that's deep
Hey good word, Kami. I needed this.
Ngl I couldn't relate
good one
Nobody says anything to me 😔
yeah no
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