Tell me the craziest thing that happened in your class without lying. I'm curious
some dude pised on the floor and ain't nobody said shii
ppl just walked right past, teacher handed him one napkin and it was one of them brown, aint cleaning shii napkins for a massive puddle of Soup
We threw mashed potatoes at the ceiling until it all stuck.
This didn't happen in my class, but this happened outside of my class. Story time! When I was in middle school, two students -who I knew, but didn't talk to them because we weren't really friends- got arrested because of the possession of a gun on campus. One of my friends witnessed it and told the staff about it, and they also found d r u g s flushed in the toilet, but I don't know if it was connected to the two students. The staff called the police and they searched the bathroom, finding the gun in the trash can because they heard that the cops were coming and threw away the gun. They tracked the two students down by using their finger prints on the gun. (One brought the gun to school, and the other held it.) One student got arrested during class, and the other student got arrested in the PE area. During the arrest in the PE area, my class heard yelling from outside our door. I was in choir at the time, and our classroom was in the PE area because we had it moved because our old classroom was being used as a fitness room. Anyway, both students got sent to Juvenal Hall, and served their time, but one got released early because their parents bailed them out. There were also rumors going around that the next day that one of the students will come back with the gun and shoot the people that they hated. (The student I'm referring to was the one who got bailed out.) But they never showed up. Both days, a lot of cops were on campus. Same thing happened the following week, too.
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