Late night thoughts are something everybody gets. Everybody has a past, whether it’s filled with bad things or just your most memorable memory. I remembered when I had thoughts real bad.. Can’t let myself ever go back there. They weren’t nothing extremely bad like wanting to hurt myself type thoughts, Just the typical overthinking type. There was this one situationship I went through that lasted about 3-4 months. Rough times. Lots of sleepless nights. So much overthinking and just disappearing from reality. I’ve never spaced out as much as I did then. Sometimes I think, Do I want to go back and redo some things just to see how everything will end up? I actually don’t.. I mean I would if I REALLY wanted to But, It was just too much to go through again and If I do go back to what happened, I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be as calm as I was, For now, I’m good. I’m lowkey happy. Barely stressed. No overthinking. Days pass by easily. Less sleepless nights. More happiness in my writing. Only thing that hasn’t changed is the attitude. Which will never go away because it reminds me of why I am the way I am. Why I act the way I act. Just defines the real me.
Ye i dont got a situation ship but I got the thought, the thoughts of doing uhh stuff to things I've got sleepless nights I don't eat often I lowk don't got a attitude but idk wsp w thatdef over think def disappear from reality space out a bunch Honestly I really like this poem
W Ally chat
this is very good ally. Keep up the writing cuz u r very good. this poem is deep n emotional. better then my writing fs.
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