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Honestly, who gives a damn of what people say about you. Like, come on they just do it to slow you Down or to get a reaction from you. Like be so damn for real. They only do it because they have something going on in there life and they need to take it out on you. Like, their opinions don't matter. Only what you think about yourself does. Build yourself up. Don't let people break you down. Nothing matters because people are idiots and want attention. Now, have a good day
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Thanks for the inspirational words
10/10 speech.
Yea thought people needed to hear this.
i already have this mentality so thumbs down
@snowybreaks wrote:
Yea thought people needed to hear this.
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@yourstruly1234 wrote:
@snowybreaks wrote:
Yea thought people needed to hear this.
Preach snowy, people really need to follow this because they take some things to heart when it really doesn't need to go there.
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