what are some techniques or better ways to sleep or have like more of fulfilling sleep
You can take some sleep medicine
imo , i js have like a sound machine . white noise or rain
you can get things like melatonin or even a midnight snack because its easier to sleep once you've eaten. Maybe I would say try white sounds, thunder sounds, or even rain. some prefer music or even the sound of washing machines. i would say a movie would help to, background noise in general. and you could probably wear yourself out so that you're already tired. Yw cece- :D
Meletonin, nyquil.
Wake up earlier or just turn of all electronics except for your alarm
take some Trazzy (Trazodone)
gts early
this guy
aboutta touch this Toast
I put the N-word, not toast.
I'm going to find u
Don't scroll on social media before sleeping, eat well, do physical activities throughout the day to burn your energy
Sleep naked
@abound ok will do
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