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OpenStudy (anonymous):
tell me ur question
OpenStudy (anonymous):
ok it is equvialant frations
OpenStudy (anonymous):
wat is the numbers
OpenStudy (anonymous):
ok five equvilant fractions for 2 out of 3
OpenStudy (sandra):
ok so 2 out of 3 can be written as 2/3
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OpenStudy (sandra):
all you have to do is multiply both the top and bottom by 5 different numbers
OpenStudy (sandra):
since if you multiple both the top and bottom, the actual fraction will be the same (equivalent)
OpenStudy (sandra):
so for example you can multiple 2/3 * 2/2, and you will get 4/6
OpenStudy (sandra):
which is equivalent to 2/3
OpenStudy (anonymous):
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OpenStudy (sandra):
so go ahead and do it for 2-6
OpenStudy (sandra):
and you will have five equivalent fractions
OpenStudy (anonymous):
but i dont know how to times fractions
OpenStudy (sandra):
oh ok. well multiplying fractions is easy enough.
OpenStudy (sandra):
all you do is multiply straight across both the top and bottom
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OpenStudy (sandra):
so 2/3 * 2/2 = 2*2/3*2 = 4/6
OpenStudy (sandra):
2/3 * 3/3 = (2 x 3)/(3 x 3) = 6/9
OpenStudy (sandra):
2/3 x 4/4 = (2 x 4)/ (3 x 4) = 8/12
OpenStudy (sandra):
now if you wanted to multiply (this is just for example/practice) 2/3 x 3/4, that would again be multiplying the top x top / bottom x bottom, so (2 x 3)/ (3 x 4) = 6/12
OpenStudy (anonymous):
can you please just give me the answer
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OpenStudy (sandra):
the reason 4/6, 6/9, and 8/12 are equivalent fractions, are because in each case you really just multiplied by 1
OpenStudy (sandra):
well, I gave you the first three equivalent fractions
OpenStudy (sandra):
4/6, 6/9, and 8/12
OpenStudy (sandra):
so what is 2/3 x 5/5?
OpenStudy (sandra):
it's (2 x 5)/ ( 3 x 5)
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OpenStudy (sandra):
so 10/15
OpenStudy (sandra):
now if you do 2/3 x 6/6 , you will have the answer
OpenStudy (anonymous):
its basically all of the fractions that when u reduce gives you 2/3 once its completely reduced to its simplest form
OpenStudy (anonymous):
i was tryen to type that but my mouse was stuck
OpenStudy (sandra):
it's k, sometimes you just have to refresh (not sure why)
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OpenStudy (sandra):
so I gave you four equivalent fractions
OpenStudy (anonymous):
12/18 is the answer
OpenStudy (sandra):
correct =)
OpenStudy (sandra):
so you now have five equivalent fractions
OpenStudy (anonymous):
yea see its easy
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