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OpenStudy (anonymous):
I need help with evaluate expressions. One of the questions is l-3l
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
Anything within | | is ALWAYS positive. So 3.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
Recall that \[|a| = a \text{ if } a >= 0\] \[|a| = -a \text{ if } a < 0\]
OpenStudy (anonymous):
Which is the absolute value. For examples: |2| = 2 |0| = 0 |-45454| = 45454
OpenStudy (anonymous):
It's absolute value.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
thanks so much :)
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
Push good answer for me and Polpak so no other helper has to view this
OpenStudy (anonymous):
how do i do that?
OpenStudy (anonymous):
It says "Good Answer" on their answer.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
i dont see it, is it the medal
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