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OpenStudy (anonymous):
can u separate ln (7+x) into ln7+lnx?
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
no ln (7+x) = "the exponent you raise "e" to to get (7+x)"
OpenStudy (anonymous):
can you separate it if it's multiplication or division?
OpenStudy (anonymous):
(7+x) is the argument of the ln, so it's dependent on whatever x is, so now you cannot seperate
OpenStudy (anonymous):
well sort of, "ln7+lnx" would equal "ln7x" but what you have there is not that.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
if you had ln x + ln 7, it could be simplified to ln (7x)
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
yeah... what she said. but no, ln(7+x) can't be seperated. what's the whole equation?
OpenStudy (anonymous):
ok then ln7/x can be ln7-lnx? oh i was just wondering what the rule was so i just made that equation up..
OpenStudy (anonymous):
OpenStudy (anonymous):
dont think it can be would be a mathematical crime
OpenStudy (asadkarim7):
lol @ eistein+ newton .....
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