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OpenStudy (anonymous):

Getting An A With Out Trying Any one want to talk about it? Video and the Speak in it is the Author Him Self This is the first 30 pages of the book onlin for Free. Just press "Keep Reading" bellow the picture for next page.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

It looks as though the backbone of his book is memory enhancement methods. And I'll be honest with you, I have read about the same techniques he uses in like three other books, so its nothing new. The fact that he acts like these common methods are completely new, and most of all, that they are the premise for his entire book, is more than a little disturbing. One reviewer even said “This book is like a get rich quick scheme for grades...and it works!" It sounds like a get rich scheme because that's what it is; a cheap, simple book, with an alluring title, meant to make the author himself rich. These are just my thoughts coming from what I have seen. I have not read the book, so who knows, maybe there's actually something in there that's worth the price?

OpenStudy (shadowfiend):

The biggest problem with it is that it treats getting an A as a goal. Getting an A is a goal to get a meaningless grade or degree. The issue is that then once you get a job, where that knowledge actually matters, you find yourself less prepared for it. What matters to a job is being able to solve problems. Unfortunately, getting an A doesn't always involve being able to solve problems, so it's an issue both with the way curricula are sometimes structured and with the way we treat grades as something we have to get without understanding *why* we want better grades.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

by the way, with the amount the book costs, and how much he paid for the book to get published, for every book that's sold he gets like maximum of 2 dollars. So there is no profit in it for him from this book. I know this guy personally, and he is not what you've stated above.

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