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OpenStudy (anonymous):
whats the limits as x approaches 0 fro the negative side of the function x-2 |x|over |x|?
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
\[\lim_{x\rightarrow ^-0}{|x|(x-2)\over |x|}\]
OpenStudy (anonymous):
yeah sleek-feathered one that
OpenStudy (anonymous):
i dont knwo how to work the equation tab good
OpenStudy (anonymous):
Well, if x is something very close to 0 (but negative) what will happen with that expression?
OpenStudy (anonymous):
its comming from the negative side
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
Right. That means that it is very very small (close to 0) and it is also negative.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
i could take the negative sign on the absolute value
OpenStudy (anonymous):
is this problem written correctly? if so, the abs values can cancel
OpenStudy (anonymous):
so the answer is -2
OpenStudy (anonymous):
they cancel out , r us sure
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
That's correct. The absolute values will cancel for any value of x that is not 0
OpenStudy (anonymous):
(Which includes values of x that are close to 0)
OpenStudy (anonymous):
So the answer is -2
OpenStudy (anonymous):
remember, anything over itself just equals 1
OpenStudy (anonymous):
except 0.
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
no need to even evaluate the limit inside the abs value
OpenStudy (anonymous):
x/x = 1 though
OpenStudy (anonymous):
as long as x is not 0 ;p
OpenStudy (anonymous):
|x|/|x| =1
OpenStudy (anonymous):
that was a stupid trick question cooked up in a calc textbook
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
your taking the liimit from positve zero though mathgirl...
OpenStudy (anonymous):
That doesn't matter because it's the limit as it approaches 0, not the value at 0
OpenStudy (anonymous):
you're taking the limit of a function, and the function can be simplified first, can it not?
OpenStudy (anonymous):
\[{x \over x} = 1, \forall x \ne 0\]
OpenStudy (anonymous):
depends what rule is needed
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
i guess, yes, your right
OpenStudy (anonymous):
its a big z on the graphing
OpenStudy (anonymous):
it approches -1 from the right and -3 from the left.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
That's not right unless we have the expression wrong above. It would have the same limit from either side (-2).
OpenStudy (anonymous):
Yeah, it does have the same limit both ways, but Calc textbooks are goofy like that so who knows.
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myininaya (myininaya):
is it what polpak had or is it
OpenStudy (anonymous):
Ah.. yeah that would be different.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
myininaya (myininaya):
hey polpak you are green!
OpenStudy (anonymous):
I know!
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myininaya (myininaya):
lol can i be pink?
myininaya (myininaya):
hey mitlearner so the expression polpak wrote is exactly what you see in the text right?>
OpenStudy (anonymous):
I guess we'll never know ;p
OpenStudy (anonymous):
Are you deleting your posts?
OpenStudy (anonymous):
hey polpak, how come you are green?
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myininaya (myininaya):
hes a moderator
OpenStudy (anonymous):
I moderate like a boss.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
can i be a moderator too?
myininaya (myininaya):
he won't allow me to be pink im upset
OpenStudy (anonymous):
I would, but I have no control over such things
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myininaya (myininaya):
lol im kidding
OpenStudy (anonymous):
i hve never seen this green before
OpenStudy (anonymous):
i want to be orange
myininaya (myininaya):
hey satellite, amistre is also green