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OpenStudy (anonymous):

Anyone have any tips on how not to get distracted easily?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

try focusing on your breathing, focus on the inhale, holding in, and the exhale, maybe take a few deep breaths whenever you feel you are becoming distracted

OpenStudy (amistre64):

one way is to turn off the tv :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

You mean help procrastination? There's a great video on YouTube by charlieissocoollike:

OpenStudy (anonymous):

SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realisitic and time-limited) related to your topic. Daily to-do lists. Closing down Facebook ;) having a clear objective about what you want to achieve. Setting study times -- eg setting a clear goal of working for 25 minutes on a clear problem (known as the Pomodoro technique). Switching off computer monitors or shutting laptops whilst writing long notes (if you write notes by hand). Taking lots of breaks. Rewarding yourself. Most of all becoming aware of the main things that you get distracted by, and making plans to overcome them.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

close your eyes if u r been distrubed and think of your parents in your mind.that may give u peace of mind and bring back your mind.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Yes, just relax, there are numerous techniques

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I procrastinate alot though QQ

OpenStudy (matthewrlee):

Close your browser. It is the world's best distraction machine. If that doesn't work look into medication or a job that requires distraction.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

+ Turn off the music. This one is hard for me because I constantly have music playing, but it is really difficult to memorize German vocabulary terms with Explosions in the Sky blaring in the background. So turn off the music to improve your concentration. + Isolate yourself. Go to a place where you can be alone so your friends won’t be a distraction while you study. This can be anything from going to the library to adventuring into nature. Whatever you choose, being by yourself will get rid of the temptation to strike up a conversation with a friend. + Shut off the internet. The internet is probably the biggest distraction when you are trying to be productive. You have things like Facebook and YouTube right at your fingertips. These can be huge distractions. It is best to beat the temptation and stay off the internet. To further enforce this, I recommend disconnecting your wi-fi connection. + Turn off your phone. Or at least put it on silent and out of your view. A text messages in the middle of an intense study session can really be distracting. It is best to keep your phone out of reach and only check it when you take study breaks. + Don’t Munch. I have a bad habit of eating while I do my schoolwork. This is distracting for a few reasons. Mainly because you will be thinking more about the food then your work. Plus it is inevitable that you are going to get that orange crap from Cheetos all over your work. Save the eating for one of your breaks. + Turn off the TV. This one is pretty obvious, but it is all too common to have the TV on in the background while you are working on something else. What should have taken 10 minutes will end up taking 30 minutes. To avoid this, you should plan your study session around your favorite shows or realize that you can watch anything that comes on tv on a computer. + Tell your roommates. Let your roommates know that you are about to start studying. By doing this, it will decrease the chance that they will come and bother you.

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