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Writing 25 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

For each sentence below, write each common noun and each proper noun. Identify each type of noun by writing N or P after each noun. You must label every noun in every sentence as N or P. The pecan trees bear nuts every other year. It is a chore to pick them up from the ground, but Grandmother's pecan pies make it worthwhile.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

p pecan n trees p bears n nuts p grandmother

OpenStudy (anonymous):

"A proper noun or proper name is a noun representing a unique entity (such as London, Jupiter, John Hunter, or Toyota), as distinguished from a common noun, which represents a class of entities (or nonunique instance[s] of that class)—for example, city, planet, person or corporation)." Given that ginkay seems to be wrong. pecan trees (n) year (n) chore (n) ground (n) Grandmother (p) - presumably, b/c it's meant in the sense of ONE particular granny here. pecan pies (n)

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