explain why electromagnetic wave is transverse wave and not a compressional wave.
Just as electricity and magnetic fields are perpendicular are on earht, they are also in an EM wave; in essence this requires a transverse waev; second, there is no medium to compress for an em wave in a vacuum. as one part of the em wave geneartes the next, this works well as a transverse wave; not a great explanation, but maybe helpful
we can't have compressional waves without a medium and EM waves can travel through vacuum. not the exact reason but a helpful pointer
An EM, transverse, wave is a wave that goes up and down,, such as light that does not need a vacuum to travel. While a compressional ,longitudinal, wave such as sound requires a medium and can be compressed. Also see.. http://www.school-for-champions.com/science/waves.htm
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