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OpenStudy (anonymous):
@Mathematics If a girl can ski down a hill 5 times as fast as she can climb up the same hill. If she can ski down the hill and climb up the hill in a total of 9 mins. How many mins does it taker her to climb up the hill? a)1.8 b) 4.5 c) 7.2 d) 7.8
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
OpenStudy (anonymous):
OpenStudy (anonymous):
that is't a choice
OpenStudy (anonymous):
5*t + t = 9 6 * t = 9 t = 9 / 6 t = 1.5 5 * t = 7.5 5 * t is the time of her climbing the hill t is the time of her skiing down
OpenStudy (anonymous):
o ok thanx
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