help on Calculus project Building an open Box (uploaded document to view)
hold on im trying to attach the file...
This is an interactive link. This is a classic calculus problem.
thats not it
ok what do you have? I still bet it is the same problem.
open study is taking too long to upload it
can you draw it?
hold on let me open it somewhere else
there u go
same problem
Your teacher wants you to use a 600 square (I forgot what unit you are using) and cut out your squares. You will create a quadratic with a max.
The link I gave you is interactive, you can move the sides of the length and width and height.
like for height 2 on my paper how would i do that.
Are you talking about the link? Just checking
Are you able to make it interactive, because I had to download something from wolframalpha to make mine interactive?
im still downloading
okay it works
hope that helps.... You should show that file to your teacher. Good possibility they have not seen it, maybe get extra credit..
i am having trouble working withit,
You should be able to move the sliders and change values
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