what form of figurative language is used? "hear the mellow wedding bells, golden bells!" which is it? hyperbole onomatopoeia assonance
as·so·nance : In poetry, the repetition of the sound of a vowel or diphthong in nonrhyming stressed syllables (google definition) on·o·mat·o·poe·ia: The formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g., cuckoo, sizzle); The use of such words for rhetorical effect (google definition) hy·per·bo·le : Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. (google definition) I've written the definition of the words you have as options above. You can cancel some of these out. Hyperbole, or an nonliteral statement, isn't the answer because there is not exaggeration. It is also not an onomatopoeia because there aren't any sound effects. So we're left with an assonance, which is depicted in the quote above. "hear the mellow wedding bells, golden bells!" The word bell is repeated. :) I hope I helped! :D
thx. uz so much u r a smarticle person
aw he got a medal and he didn't even explain it? *sigh*
sorry it didn't need an explaination with it
but thx. anyways i'm writing another q.
I'm just saying. The CoC says to not just straight up give the answer, but to help the asker understand. But the rewarding is your choice:) Good luck on the other questions.
i've took these test over and over ,studied the diff. meanings, but i still can't get it
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