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Mathematics 33 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

I need more assignments to practice for Markov Matrices and its steady state. And exponential matrices assignments, too. Anyone knows the sites in those parts, please tell me. I'm in hurry. I need practice as much as possible.

OpenStudy (stamp):

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Thanks for your help. I practice all of the examples if I can google. I need more than that. each site gives me just at most 3 examples. I want more

OpenStudy (stamp):

That is all I have got, have you tried going to your textbook for exercises

OpenStudy (anonymous):

my course has text book, but for those parts , my pro use another book . no exercises, no practice, may be it's quite easy so we have nothing to prepare for test. but to me, it's not easy to find out the eigenvectors from double roots of that's why I need more. Thanks anyway/

OpenStudy (anonymous):

thanks a lot

OpenStudy (stamp):

I personally have yet to study the things you are talking about, but that site is a godsend for me, helped me in all my math studies. Based on what you described that material seems relevant, bookmark the site and it may help again in the future.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I'm practicing the problem on that site. Thank you very much

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