Your brother wants to start a workout and diet routine where he wants to maintain his body mass index and safely increase his muscular endurance. Demonstrate what you know about program planning skills by setting goals, using training principles, and making timelines for his personal fitness program.
If the person eats the recommended calorie intake for his bracket group, he would be able to maintain his BODY MASS INDEX. As for muscular endurance, I think you are referring to muscle tone. In order to achieve healthy muscle tone, the person must practice short sets of weight lifts. Of course, cardiac endurance would also help with muscle tone.
In reality, there is no such thing as a weight training exercise or regime that will produce improved "muscle tone". It is in fact the muscular hypertrophy (increase in muscle size) accompanied by a decrease in fat-mass which creates this effect known as "muscle tone". Also, don't rely on the Body Mass Index for a pointer to whether you're in the "healthy" weight range or not. It is highly inaccurate, because it does not take into account muscle-mass. It is actually the relation of fat free mass to fat-mass which indicates the level of health of an individual. Fat free mass would include water weight, muscle, bone, etc. Also, the prime intention for virtually any individual interested in a Personal Fitness Program, is to improve body composition. Basically, it is to gain muscle and lose fat. The end result is a better looking "version" of that individual, who is able to both perform daily activities with ease (not to mention an increased ability to perform in sport-related activities). So, how do we proceed with developing a proper fitness program for this individual? It is a complex answer, because every individual is unique with varying goals, ciricumstances, etc. However, if it is a beginner--perform strength training (which can either utilize weights or bodyweight) , cardiovascular work (primarily high intensity interval training such as tabata sets), and design a nutrition plan.
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