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OpenStudy (anonymous):
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Parth (parthkohli):
First, factor the 3 out. What do you get?
OpenStudy (anonymous):
Parth (parthkohli):
\[x^2 z + 12xz + 32z\]Yeah.
hartnn (hartnn):
factor the "3z" out
Parth (parthkohli):
That is what you get inside the bracket.
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Parth (parthkohli):
Parth (parthkohli):
Now, do you see something common?
Parth (parthkohli):
OpenStudy (anonymous):
that i need to factor the 3 out?
hartnn (hartnn):
didn't you already do that ?
infact, '3z' was common to all terms, so you could have factor out 3z in first step only.
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
yes i did.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
now how do i factor it do to put it in parenthesis? would it be: (xz-8z)(x-4)?
hartnn (hartnn):
lets go step by step ?
what you got after factoring out 3z ?
hartnn (hartnn):
so, that i can show you why its not -8 and -4
OpenStudy (anonymous):
i got x^2z-12xz+32z
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hartnn (hartnn):
thats only after factoring out 3, right ?
after factoring 'z' also, we get
3z (x^2+12x+32)
*also, how did '+' in middle change to '-'? :O *
Parth (parthkohli):
It's called magic!
OpenStudy (anonymous):
alright. i see.
hartnn (hartnn):
now can you factor, (x^2+12x+32) ?
OpenStudy (anonymous):
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hartnn (hartnn):
that would be correct :)
so, finally, 3x^2z+36xz+96z would be factored to 3z(x+8)(x+4)
OpenStudy (anonymous):
ALRIGHT! :D now i see this! :P help me with another?
hartnn (hartnn):
sure :) how about a new post , maybe ?
OpenStudy (anonymous):