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Probability 55 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

Help! The grades A, B, C, and D that you may get in a class are discrete. There is no such thing as a grade of B 1/2, for example. However, grade points can be assigned to these grades according to the table shown below:Similar to grades, grade points can be sorted. But they can also be added and divided and so on. This allows for the calculation of a grade point average, or GPA. For example, the grade point average of A, A, B+, B, B-, and C+ is(4.0 + 4.0 + 3.3 + 3.0 + 2.7 + 2.3)/5 = 3.22. Grade points can take on any numeric values between 0 and 4. They are an example of a _____ variable.

OpenStudy (kirbykirby):

I would argue that the grade point is a discrete variable because it only takes certain values, but the grade point average (GPA) is a continuous variable because you can take an average out of any number of courses, and thus have essentially any infinite possibility of obtaining a certain GPA. [However, it seems unclear in how they asked the question, because the say "can take any numeric value between 0 and 4" which, to me, implies a continuous variable... but they refer to the grade point, not the grade point average]

OpenStudy (anonymous):

It was continuous. They always play these word games to mess it up:/

OpenStudy (kirbykirby):

Oh I see. Ya it's unfortunate because it's not to clear how they worded it :\

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